Thou shalt not murder!

“You must NOT murder.” -Exodus 20:13 (NLT)

The 6th commandment is pretty clear. It doesn’t beat around the bush or leave for any misunderstanding. It obviously forbids the taking of another human beings life for no justifiable reason. Most of us reading this today might say, “Well, I’ve never murdered anyone. So at least I haven’t broken THIS commandment!” But after looking at the Sermon on the Mount, I wonder if Jesus would disagree with us…

You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgement.’ But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgement! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.” (Matthew 5:21,22) NLT

So what Jesus is saying is that anger in our hearts has the same penalty as murdering someone. In 1 John 3:15, it says that “Anyone who HATES another brother or sister is really a murderer at heart.” The word “hate” here can be translated to “habitually despise”. This is not speaking of a passing emotion but it is referring to a deep-rooted loathing.

Now, all of us lose our temper from time to time. While stuck in traffic, while standing in the long check-out line, when the children forget to do their chores, etc. But what about the kind of anger that festers in us to the point that we loathe someone? Just the mention of their name sends cringes up and down our spine. The thought of that one thing that made you so mad about that person just causes your brow to crinkle and fire come to your cheeks. The kind of anger that has brewed over a period of time and now the bitterness that resides in your heart for this person just quickens every time you hear their name or come face to face with them.

Murder. You have just committed murder. With your thoughts, with your actions, with your bitterness, with your uncontrolled anger. Spreading lies about others, gossiping about them, or assassinating their character to others is just like murder.

Anger kills.

If we love God, we MUST love our neighbor. Holding grudges and bitterness not only kills other people, but it will slowly kill us. May we walk worthy of the calling in which we have been called by loving one another. Love supersedes anger.

Have you been guilty of holding a grudge or being angry with someone? Today, you can confess and turn from it. Its not too late to be acquitted of all charges. Once you repent and receive Gods forgiveness, go to your brother or sister and ask for their forgiveness. There is freedom in love and forgiveness.


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One thought on “Thou shalt not murder!

  1. Michele

    Ouch! Now that hits home, Laurie….especially the “traffic” comment! I always wonder “where did these people LEARN to drive?!” The Holy Spirit has been reminding me lately that Jesus died for those pokey drivers that irritate me so! The sins you mentioned start in the mind and then manifest in our behavior. Oh, Lord Jesus, help us to renew our minds.