Time Change—Changing Times

If you are like me…the time change brought a bit of anxiety over the fact that I was going to miss out on some precious sleep.  SLEEP. That is something I really enjoy.  A cozy couch in front of a fire…a soft blanket…and I am nodding off in no time flat.  A bed with crisp clean sheets–nice and cool to the touch, and when my tired body finds rest there–I am asleep before you can count to 100.  Yeah, it takes me a while..but I do enjoy the resting time.

For the disciples, in the garden, they had none of these, yet sleep captured their minds during their time of prayer.  They were tired.  They knew not of the scene that would shortly unfold before their eyes.  Changing their lives forever.

…”and He told the disciples, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” He then took Peter, James and John and said to them, “My soul is swallowed up in sorrow–to the point of death. Remain here and stay awake with me.” Going a little farther, He fell face down and prayed…” (Matthew 26:36-38 italicized portion–Holman Christian Standard Version)

Verse 37 describes the feelings Jesus was having.  Sorrowful and deeply distressed.  There is no way sleep would come His way that night.  He knew already what lay ahead.  He was preparing —He was drawing strength from the Father.  But this—this was something He did on a daily basis. 

Not just crunch time. 

Not just when the house is on fire. 

Not just when the kids are sick. 

Not just when the marriage is failing, the job is lost and the finances are disappearing.  But every day. All hours of the day.

There was a time in my Christian walk, that my prayer life was lacking in a “dedicated” time.  What I mean by that is, the emergencies brought about some serious praying!  The other days….sort of hit and miss.  But time changes things.  And these things…change our prayer times.

There is not a day that passes that I don’t talk to the Father.  Our conversations on occasions seem a bit onesided though.  I talk—I pray…and sometimes forget to listen.  But when He speaks…oh my—does it ever ring in my heart and head.

Today, while talking to someone, she shared with me that her friend was consumed with the changing times.  He had lost thousands upon thousands of dollars in the recent economical decline.  He was frustrated and depressed.  She had encouraged him to get back in his Bible.  To not neglect his church–nor his times of study and prayer.  I told her that was all good, but one important thing he needed to do—stop listening to all the negative news.  Yes, read the Bible! Yes, pray without ceasing!  But stop feeding the soul all the negative news that is played non-stop.  See, he was daily—every waking hour–listening to talk radio—reading the horrific forecast of our financial system.  Instead of feeding his soul Christ, and how soon the eternal home was to the believers, he was feeding on the decay of our world.

I have purposefully steered my blog away from the economical situation.  But I see it.  I’m not blind to what is happening.  Our lives have changes along with everyone else’s…as we each tighten our belts and do things differently.  But I can’t dwell on that.  What I must dwell on is doing ALL I can—at every opportunity God gives me for HIM.  Reaching the lost.  Telling of Christ’s love! And how He came to save them!

Yes, time did change.  And the times are changing.  But Christ—is the solid rock—on which we stand.  All other ground is sinking sand.  As the times change, let us change.  Let’s become more dedicated to our prayer times.  Let us become solidified in our faith walk.   Let us share with others—love and care for one another more.  We are pilgrims passing through this land—our home is just ahead.  Keep heading that way.  

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11 thoughts on “Time Change—Changing Times

  1. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Such wonderful HOPE that you have shared with us today. God is our everlasting Hope and it is in Him that I put my trust. -Blessings, Laurie

  2. eph2810

    You are right, Angie. Although I am not blind to the situation this country is in, I deliberately feed my soul with Christ. My radio is tuned in to a Christian station, with a positive message – the New Jerusalem ahead off us.

  3. Paula

    This is so good, Angie. I so agree with you that we need to not feed our souls with such negativity. Much of the book I’m studying online with Lelia’s gang is about soul talk and how what we feed grows and what we starve dies. I just quoted that from this past chapter. The more we listen to the negative the more we are consumed with it. I was not “worried” or concerned really over the economic situation. Maybe my head in the cloud to a degree because I know there is NOTHING we can do…except wait and let it play out. Then I was sucked into a conversation at work and I immediately felt anxiety over the economy.

    My step-father watches the news constantly and he’s so depressed and worried over the layoffs at his employer. People with 27 years being let go. It’s hard. But I guess, I’d rather stick my head in the sand than in the news. I have enough worries than to worry of something I really can’t control…that’s kind of sarcastically joking…because I have control of none of the things causing me worry.

    Love you, girlfriend.

  4. Karen

    Wonderful words for Wednesday! The devotional I read last night talked about our “Solid Rock” also, and how our trials and heartaches are like the waves in the ocean that are constantly moving and slam against the rocks. But our Rock is that solid foundation that is unmoved by adversity and steadfast in His strength. Bless you, sister!

  5. LindaLinda

    Wonderful, wise advice Angie. It it times like these that we must remain firmly grounded. The only sure foundation is the Lord.

  6. LynnLynn


    Wow, powerful post and so filled with truth. I only allow 20 minutes of news into my head. I used to watch it for hours. God delivered me. I love you girl… Hugs.