I was reflecting on the many trips that my husband and I have taken out of the country. Most of these trips abroad have been on mission trips with our church. We traveled in a large group and mostly we were told what to pack and what not to pack from the missionary we were going to assist.

However, a couple of years ago, we got to take a trip of a lifetime! In celebration of our 25th wedding anniversary, we booked a trip to travel Europe. Our first destination was Rome and then off to Paris and the final leg of our trip…London! What a marvelous trip.

A trip abroad like this one required us to pack lightly. OK … when you tell a girl headed to places like Rome, Paris and London … how on earth is she to pack lightly?

On arrival of one of our destinations, I recall sitting on the tour bus en route to our hotel to check in. I noticed this single young woman apparently traveling alone. All of our big luggage was stored below the bus, but as we loaded the bus, my husband and I lugged our carry on bag, our backpack and our book bag. The thing that struck me about this young lady sitting across from us (besides the fact that she was brave enough to travel abroad ALONE) was that her only carry on luggage was a single backpack.

She was unlike us, and apparently had traveled abroad before. She knew the importance of packing lightly! Some of us are going thru life and we do not understand the importance of  keeping our load light. We are weighted down by the STUFF that we drag around, day after day.

Don’t get me wrong … we ALL have baggage. Who among us can walk through life without picking up some kind of baggage?

  • shame
  • fear
  • insecurities
  • jealousy

The question I would like to ask you is “why do we persist on hanging on to this heavy load?”

In Scripture, we are reminded that we are to “cast our cares upon our Father”, but despite this grand offer made to us, we seem to find it difficult to lighten our load. We just continue to drag that baggage around with us day in, day out.

PSALM 68:19 “Praise be to the Lord to God our Savior, Who daily bears our burdens.”

My Friend, are you heavy burdened today? Maybe it is time for you to unpack those bags that you are carrying around and surrender your burdens to God in prayer.


5 thoughts on “TRAVEL LIGHTLY

  1. Debbie

    Laurie, what a great example to compare to overpacked luggage! I have trouble decided what to take on trips and hence, my bags are usually bulging.

    Lately, I have been going through my “things” I’ve accumulated and selling many items on eBay and giving away lots. It’s amazing how much stuff I have. It’s been cleansing for me to do this because I realize that I really don’t need much.

    Now, I want to unpack the “other load” I carry; things that need to be given over to the Lord. The burdens I feel are my responsibility, when instead I can pray and leave many of these issues in the Lord’s very capable hands.

    Thank you for this timely post. I appreciate it.

  2. Grammy

    That was an excellent post. I use to carry the heave load but now it is small. I only have help on to the most serious issues. As I is hard to let go of control. As I just put up my TT post early today. And it deals with my issue of let go and let god.

  3. eph2810

    You are right, Laurie – we need to cast our baggage upon Him who cares to take care of our needs. I think that insecurities is the biggest Issue I have…

    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us.