The ultimate price

The son of God came down to this earth and became a regular Joe by choice.  He didn’t come down and choose to live in the biggest and nicest home, own many, fine and expensive possessions and have a high & powerful title or rank.  He was just a carpenter…He was like any other normal human on earth – he came and chose to be equal. 

 He chose to be equal with us. 

 He is the son of God…He is the second in command in the entire universe and holds the second highest position.  Why did He choose to be just like us?  He came down and settled down in the low class crowd by choice. 


 Because He is humble. 

 What an example that is to us.  Think about it…if the son of God stepped down and left all He had – His position, rank, thrown, high stature, etc… and lived as a normal regular Joe here on earth, then who are we to think we are somebody?  Everywhere I look I see rankings, high & mighty titles, special treatment to ALL that are ranking in high & powerful positions.  Jesus didn’t ask for special treatment or a high ranking during His days here on earth.  By choice He chose to be equal…why?

 Because He doesn’t see himself anything but equal.  

 Let that sink in a bit! 

 The son of God doesn’t see himself anything but equal to us!

 What an act of humility!  We will find no greater act of humility than this one!

 That’s LOVE…that’s HUMILITY!!!

 Children are innocent and helpless; they are unable to defend themselves.  What would you do for your children to protect them?  If someone was messing with them, you would do what you needed to do to protect them.  You would defend & protect! 

 If your child was kidnapped and held for ransom, you would do anything you could to give your child freedom.  You would sacrifice whatever that was needed and give all that you have if necessary.  You would go to extreme high lengths and measures to pay the ransom due for the freedom of your beloved.  

 What a powerful & passionate story that demonstrates the love our heavenly father has for his children…US!!!  He went to great lengths to save his lost children with the highest paid ransom in history. 

 Sin was ruling our fate and Satan is persistent in his evil schemes to destroy us and to have us bound by sin forever.   Satan was messing with Gods children…so He did what any father would do…defend & protect!  He sacrificed all He had and gave all He had (His only begotten son) in exchange for our ransom and paid the ultimate price for our souls. 

 John 3:16 (NIV) “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

 On that third day when Jesus rose from the grave, the keys to death and to the gates of hell were stripped from Satan’s hands once and for all. 

 He made the ultimate sacrifice!  He paid our ransom!  We are free indeed!  No longer bound by sin!  Now we can have eternal life with Christ forever!

 Revelation 1:17-18 (The Message) “Don’t fear: I am First, I am Last, I’m Alive.  I died, but I came to life, and my life is now forever.  See these keys in my hand?  They open and lock Death’s doors, they open and lock Hell’s gates.”

Our heavenly Father loves us!  This simple, children’s song that I am sure everyone has heard of…”Jesus Loves Me.”  This song has been playing its melody in my heart all morning long!

 Jesus loves me! this I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
they are weak but He is strong.

Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.

 The lyrics to this song hold much truth!  We are weak but He is strong!  He proved His love and demonstrated His power on that day at Calvary!  He saw what was required for our freedom.  The ONLY way we could be saved from sin and hell.  He did what He had to do to defend & protect His children….US!!!

 Don’t ever doubt His love for You…He gave up all He had (His ONLY begotten son) just for YOU!!  He made the BIGGEST sacrifice EVER made in history…just for YOU!! 

 That’s LOVE…that’s PASSION…that’s HUMILITY!!!



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6 thoughts on “The ultimate price

  1. Iris

    I really like how you have used the analogy when we as parents are left to fight for our children. I am so glad that God sent His son for me to rip me away from hell.

    Thank you so much for sharing from your heart, Krista.

  2. Alisa Hope Wagner

    A beautiful and encouraging word! God is so awesome that he can be ALL POWERFUL yet HUMBLE at the same time. Most of us would fail at this miserably.

    Great insights!!!