Actively Seeking You Out

There was a story about a psychologist who kept asking a mother in his office who she loved the most out of her three kids.

The mother replied, I love them all the same. The psychologist persisted replying it was impossible to love others equally the same and asked her the question again, who do you love the most out of your three kids. The mother began to cry and said, “you are right, when one is sick, I love that child the most; or when one has gone astray, I love that child the most. It changes depending on who needs me the most.” God is the same way, he may have 99 sheep in his flock, but he will leave and actively search out that lost 1.

God loves us so much he gave us free will, he allows us to make poor decisions. There are consequence for our actions and we grieve his heart when we sin, but he does not let you fend for yourself—he actively seeks you out when you have gone astray.

I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. Luke 15:7

I was just wondering if there was someone out there that needed to be reminded that if you have walked off the beaten path, God is actively seeking you out. He will not rest until you are back with him.

5 thoughts on “Actively Seeking You Out

  1. Iris

    Hm, my spam-word is ‘Forgiven’…very fitting. I am thankful that we are serving a God of second chances.

  2. Glenda Chumney

    As I was checking my e-mails I came across your blog for today and read what I needed to hear today.
    I feel that a move that I made 3 years ago was ahead of Gods timing and now I am seeking His will in what to do.
    This week I have had several friends reach out and say it is ok you’re still His child and He will love you no matter what. Thank you for the reminder that he will seek out one straying sheep and say “It is ok just come home”. Love in Christ,Glenda