Uncommon Places

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
~ Matthew 6:19-21 (ESV)

Insecurity is a huge issue for me. I never belonged to the ‘in-crowd’ in school; even in my adult life I have never been ‘hip’…always standing a little on the side line. As of lately I have been pondering my insecurities a lot. I have been asking myself ‘do I really want to fit in?’ When I see the things happening around me, I really don’t want to be ‘hip’. Who do I want to impress? Others? I have to answer that question with a huge ‘NO’. I want to stand firm in what I believe.

Many of you know that I also do some digital-scrapping. It is a lot of fun; it relaxes me after a long day at the office. Most of my digital layouts reflect my faith. I openly share what I believe is Truth; yes, Truth with a capital ‘T’. Same of the layouts take me hours to complete, but I don’t care. I want them just right; to reflect how I feel. Here again, I am not ‘popular’. Not many comments are left on the layouts I post in galleries. It used to be painful for me, but you know what? It doesn’t matter anymore.

I had a sweet friend tell me that she really enjoys looking at the layouts I create. She thinks it is great that I am so open with my faith. And I have to agree with her. Maybe God can use those creations I put my heart in, to open someones eyes. You see the funny thing is that people are looking at my digital layouts (galleries have a view counter underneath the images); they just don’t comment. So maybe, just maybe, someone stops searching in the wrong places to find peace or comfort.

My sweet sisters, don’t be afraid of sharing your faith in uncommon places! Don’t get discouraged if you don’t ‘fit-in’, when you are not part of the ‘in-crowd’. It really doesn’t matter if people are impressed with you or your work. What really matters is that you stand firm in what you believe; that your heart is in the right place…

Lord of Heaven and Earth. Thank You for Your love and Your comfort at all times. Lord, I am so thankful that I am part of Your ‘In-Crowd’. You have made me part of Your family through the precious blood of Your One and Only Son. Lord, help me to always stand firm in what I believe; even when it is not popular with the masses. In the precious name of Jesus ~ Amen.


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5 thoughts on “Uncommon Places

  1. LynnLynn

    Hi Iris,

    Girl, this is a wonderful devotion to start my day. I have seen your work and you are gifted….. A gift from the Father.

    I plan to post something similar on Thursday about sharing our faith. It must be something the Spirit is driving home.

    Thank you for your wise words and encouragement to be bold about our faith. Hugs.

  2. LaurieLAURIE

    Love what you have shared with us this morning. This is something I think alot of ladies struggle with – insecurities. I think it is awesome that you are pouring your heart into an area of gifting that God has placed within you. May God bless your endeavors! -love ya, Laurie

  3. Bernadine

    Thank you for this devotion, it is much needed encouragement.
    BTW, I love you digi layouts also. It’s great that you share your faith that way.

  4. Lori

    Amen. I to have been caught up in the “comment” game. But now I do what God lays on my heart. Many times we will never know this side of heave the impact that was made.