


And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”  Rom. 12:2  (NKJV)


As I sat there, time seeping away, no progress being made…a deadline looming ahead… all with no ability to free myself from this unproductive time waster…I feel my teeth begin to clinch.  Tightness in my neck and shoulders, and throughout my body, begins to build.  I want to scream maniacally  and run from the room.  But I will not.  I cannot.  Instead, I stew inside, all the while smiling and attempting to exude Christ-like kindness and peace.

When finally I am loosed from the confines of the appointment, I tear out the door, determined to redeem the time left in my day.  The whole while I berate myself.  I should have said “no”.  I should have reorganized my schedule.  I should have, I should have, I should have…(Anyone besides me waste precious time with doubts and senseless questions?)

“Be not conformed to this world.”  I’ve heard it preached.  And always, always, my mind runs along the vein of avoiding sinful ways of doing things.  And without a doubt, that is the crux of the verse.  We should not emulate the world, nor its ideals, ways of thinking, or doing.

But today,  in my stress-induced shut down, I realized that not being conformed to this world, could mean not adopting the world’s hurry-up, rush around,  pace.  Being not conformed could mean that I build margin into my time.  Commit to less.  Wait on Him more.  Unplug.  De-clutter my mind, my schedule, my surroundings.

Perhaps I cannot keep my peace, because the western way of going about life is not really compatible with walking in peace and joy.  How can I live here- but have my heart there?  How can I operate in this world, but keep a heavenly mindset?  How can I tune out the loudness of busyness and retain the peace of a gentle and quiet spirit?

These questions do not have a ready answer.  But I think they are important ones to ponder- for me.  And possibly for you

When was the last time you assessed your life for deletable activity?  When was the last time, you took a pen to your calendar to create time for spiritual growth, relationship building, and flat out enjoyment?  Do you have margin in your day- or week-  to rebuild your spirit and refresh your soul?  Do you have blocks of time to be a blessing to others?  Do you have some unhurried time to just be?  If not, you may want to consider reworking your plan.  Reworking your mindset.  Bucking conformity to life in the 21st century.

Dear Lord, forgive me for the stress I bring on myself due to poor planning and thoughtless engagement.  Show me what is best.  What is important.  Help me to pattern my life after you, and not someone else’s expectations.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.





5 thoughts on “Unconformed

  1. Iris

    What a great message about time management, Sherri. Right now, I have put myself on the no Facebook schedule. I know that is a time-eater. The first couple of days was strange, but I am liking how my mind is refreshed by not engaging in social media.

  2. Evanir S garcia

    Foi muito gratificante para mim conhecer e ler suas mensagens
    tão reconfortantes diante de tantas lutas.
    Fiquei feliz em pode ler e comentar onde a palavra de Deus é tudo em nossas vidas.
    Um abraço.
    Deus abençoe vc sempre.

  3. BernadineBernadine

    Awesome post Sherri. I am one of those introverts who can’t function well at a constantly busy and noisy pace. I need quiet time to recharge and just be.