Unresolved Issues

I just threw away five unmatched socks that have plagued me for months! After cleaning out both my sock drawer and my husband’s, I tossed them. It was very freeing. I felt an immediate release of endorphins almost as good as finishing a two-mile walk. Unresolved issues are like that. They weigh on us in small increments that build up to big weights, nagging feelings that tell us we haven’t finished; we’re not completers. It so easy to jump from one family or job crisis to the next that we forget the overriding mission we wish to accomplish. Our time with God is the realignment that we need. If I start my day without that conscious realignment of His presence, it usually ends with trouble.


Why am I here? What is my purpose? Why do I matter in the scope of the universe? It’s all in the Book. I am a child of the King, ransomed from sin by His sacrifice, privileged to have blessing and worth. I have no troubles that He doesn’t know about. I have no trial He doesn’t desire to bring me through. Does it mean life will be easy? No, it means He is with me in comfort and provision. There is unfinished business in my life: prayers that I don’t see an answer for yet, plans that haven’t come to fruition. They matter to Him because they matter to me, but more than that I submit myself to His answers in His way. I submit to what matters to Him. Rick Warren puts it well in the first chapter of his Purpose Driven Life. “It’s not about you.”


There is a day coming when Jesus will return and an unresolved relationship with Him will be left unfinished. The door will close on any opportunity to make things right with our Savior. I grieve for a world where God’s plan is ridiculed and spurned. I have several family members who know God’s plan, yet they have left their commitment unfinished. Today it’s not too late. One day it will be.

“Behold now is ‘the acceptable time,’ behold now is the day of salvation…” 2 Corinthians 6:2 (NIV).
What could be more important than getting eternity right?

Today, O Lord, I lift up all those who aren’t sorted, the unsatisfied and weary with the details of life. Show them the BIG plan by your Holy Spirit.

2 thoughts on “Unresolved Issues

  1. Iris Nelson

    Yes, life is not made easy because our relationship with Him, however He gives us the strength to make through all the difficulties. I am thankful that I am His.

  2. LaurieLaurie

    Great message Luwana! The unresolved issues we deal with here on earth will not even come close to any unresolved issues we have with Jesus when we come face to face with Him.