Update Your Application

I had prayed for inspiration this week for my entry here, and the moment came Sunday morning in church when a newer church member came and sat down by me. While we were speaking of God’s goodness, others around us were checking in on their phones waiting for the service to begin. He leaned over and asked, “Have you ever read a scripture and thought Wow, I really read that”? God whispered in my heart as he spoke,” Yes, I updated the app!” I began to consider all the Holy Spirit’s tender efforts to bring the Word into our everyday experiences by making those letters on the page or screen become real and relevant. So many times, the comfort or discipline I needed at the time was right there in the Book. If I would only take the time for it.

I feel God was saying to me that morning that I must update my application to the Word daily. I must turn off the clamor for a moment, download the Word into my life, uninstall my preconceived interpretations and wait. Why? I am convinced God wants to do new things in me. James said, “So get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness, and in a humble (gentle modest) spirit receive and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted (in your hearts) contains the power to save your souls” (Chapter 1, verse 21 Amplified).
And so I pray…

Oh Lord, I need you — more than my laptop, my phone, my family or my job. I give you permission to renew my purpose in this busy world and make me up-to-date with your plan for the hour. I submit to your program.

4 thoughts on “Update Your Application

  1. Luwana

    Interesting that the Lord has been dealing with both of us about electronics.

  2. LaurieLaurie

    Love the connection you made to all the electronic pulls that can take us from God, you are right – we must get plugged into His Word and His Promises.