Watch Out or You will be Dinner

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Reflecting our spotlight, four sets of eyes glowed in the dense brush, a mere thirty feet away. The lions crouched on the edge of the abandoned airstrip as we drove from one end to the other in the open land rover. The sun had set on our afternoon camera safari, so this was our last stop before heading back to the game farm compound.

The safety instructions had been simple, but firm. “Do not leave the vehicle.” The lions would not perceive us as “prey” unless they could distinguish us from the land rover. Our behinds stayed firmly planted in our seats and our eyes remained focused on the danger close by. The hunting guide, perched on the hood with a large rifle, warily watched the edges of the grassy airstrip for any sign of movement.

We had spent hours driving through the game farm spotting the animals. Giraffes, zebras, hippopotamus, wildebeest, rhinos and more! We had seen everything except a lion, but our foray down the airstrip changed that. Our guide knew he would find them there. The thick bush for hiding next to the airstrip clearing made it a perfect spot to hunt. The lions were looking for a meal.

We made it safely back to the compound because we took the proper precautions. We stayed alert and watchful, ready to defend ourselves against an attack. If we had let down our guard or foolishly left the protection of the vehicle we could have been Simba’s dinner.

The Bible compares our spiritual adversary, Satan, to a lion on the prowl:

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. 1 Peter 5:8-9a, NLT 

Satan watches for our weaknesses. He looks for an opportunity to pounce and draw us into sin. We must diligently watch and faithfully pray so we can stand firm and not fall. Peter learned this lesson the hard way. In the garden on the night Jesus was arrested, He told Peter, James, and John to “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation” (Matthew 26:41). They slept instead and all of them deserted Him.

I want to be ready when the lion prowls around. How about you? Let’s take precautions, watch, and pray. Then we can stand our ground when the enemy strikes!

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3 thoughts on “Watch Out or You will be Dinner

  1. Iris

    So true, Kathy. The enemy is ready to pounce on us when we let out guard down. He likes to put thoughts in my head that don’t belong there. Thank you for the reminder to always be watchful.