The team of writers at Laced With Grace want to thank everyone who entered our contest for the Women Of Faith – It’s a Grand New Day – conference give away.

Many of you added our contest button to your site. THANK YOU!

Many of you faithfully visited and left comments to win. We appreciate each of you and your faithful readership. We sincerely hope you are encouraged in your faith walk by the words we share here.

So, without further ado….. Our winner is,

BP at Raindrops & Rainbows

CONGRADULATIONS! BP, your readership and the love your share within our online community glorifies Jesus. Thank you for entering and your faithful readership.

Thank you everyone who entered. I wish I could give each of you this prize. One day, however, all of us will meet together in the throne room. What a conference that will be. I can’t wait!


6 thoughts on “WE HAVE A WINNER!

  1. eph2810

    Congratulation BP. Thank you for your support and readership — Thanks to all readers who take time out of their busy day to stop by. We love you all…

  2. BP

    Thank you so much! I couldn’t believe it when I saw my name today. I had missed reading over the past few days while we were away at Thanksgiving. What a nice surprise to see first thing this morning. I have really enjoyed reading here.