What Is A Christian?

I was asked the other day a very profound, but important question; “What is a Christian?” To the average church goer who claims to BE a Christian, that question may seem strange to have been asked and perhaps even hard for them to answer. After all, doesn’t the answer depend on who you ask?

Some people believe that because you come from a long line of generational Believers, that THAT makes you one too. While others, who attend a local church service once or twice a year, believe that they are members of such church and take on the name tag, “CHRISTIAN”! And others, whose belief in that Jesus died on a cross many, many years ago believe that their belief stamps Christianity on their lapel to wear.

It has occurred to me lately that the word “Christian” is one that is used very loosely these days. So many people claim to be one but in all honesty, don’t know what it means. While in ministry fulltime, pastoring with my husband, I cannot tell you how many times that someone had come into the church and believed that they had to do this or do that in order to be welcomed into the family of God. Many grown adults had believed what they had been told from a young age that they had to act a certain way, look a certain way, be a certain way in order for Christ to call them His own. Unfortunately, many of these “believers” were led astray by a false teacher. Instead of taking what they had been taught for years and lining it up with God’s Holy Word, they took man’s words and decided that they were just not worthy of the name, “Christian”.

Now, while none of us are actually worthy, worthiness has nothing to do with Christianity, it is all about GRACE – God’s Grace! The word “Christian” is found in the New Testament only 3 times:

“…so for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” (Acts 11:26)

“Then Agrippa said to Paul, ‘Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?’ ” (Acts 26:28)

“However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.” (1 Peter 4:16)

The word “Christian” means to “follow Christ”. In the New Testament scriptures, as listed above, we can see that they were called Christians because of their actions; how they talked and how they acted. The Bible says that it is not by our good works that we are saved, but by grace:

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8,9)

Sitting on a pew does not save you. Giving money in the offering does not save you. Saying less cuss words than before does not save you. The only way one can be saved and be a follower of Christ is to accept His salvation, believe that He is Lord of all and confess your sins and repent from them. If you do these three things, you ARE a Christian!

So now that we know what a Christian is, the next step is for each of us to answer this: “What does this mean to me?” The real question that needs to be answered is this, “have you accepted God or rejected Him?” It is my prayer today that you will accept Him and because you ARE now a Christian that you will be compelled to do those things I mentioned above (go to church, give back to God His portion and strive to be more godly) – Christianity does not mean perfection, but it does mean you are forgiven by His Grace! Now, we just need to go live like it!

Be blessed today!

Laurie Adams

@copyright2018 laurieadams

**follow my devotions on facebook @womentakingastand.


One thought on “What Is A Christian?

  1. Iris Nelson

    Thank you so much for sharing this, Laurie. You are right; we are saved by His grace, and not by our works. However, we ought to strive to live a godly life.