What is the point?


      What is the point of what I say and write if not to point people to God? Are words falling from my mouth and pen into meaningless piles to be swept up and disposed of in some recycle ben where meaningless words are laid to rest? “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” (Prov. 25:11), but what of the careless ones not so fitly spoken?

      A writer thinks about words, and is sometimes too hurried to get the right number of them down on the page. I know it is true of me. What if instead of counting words, we made words count? What or who would we want them to count for? I’ve thought a lot about this lately; the words that pour from my mouth and pen. Are they alive with the truth I want to tell? Do my many words point people to the one Word who spoke the very first words that made worlds spin forth into orbit and stars light up the night sky? Do they point to – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God?” Because if they don’t, I am thinking, they are not worth sharing. Words have life because they are breathed out of a life breathed in by a God with living words. Man was made in His image given His living breath. We carry His life in us and our words should live.

      Words that live tell of a living God who loves. They build up and never tear down the human heart. They inspire people to look for Him, to be like Him, and love like Him. They tell a life it is worth living because He came that they might live…have life, and have it abundantly.

      Jesus is the Living Word. He came, He lived and died, He rose again, and said – “Follow Me.” Love as I have loved you. Forgive as I have forgiven you, serve as I have served you; lay down your life for others as I have laid down my life for you. These are words from the Living Word – words worth speaking and writing.

So what is the point?  To point the world to Him!

What about you? Are you sharing His words of life today, or could you use some for yourself? Get to the point, the Living Word is waiting there for you.



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