What Makes You Weak, He Is Stronger

I read a quote this last week that made me stop in my tracks and realized that is exactly what I needed to be reminded of. Maybe you will feel the same.

    “Ready for some good news? . . .

    Jesus Christ is stronger!

    Stronger than my fears about the future or my shame over a past that cannot be altered though I wish so much I could do some things differently.

    Stronger than my tired prayers with well-worn phrases and weary pleas.
    Stronger than my need to know now, and have the trial terminated.

    Stronger than the enemy of my soul who would discourage me with my own failings and disillusion me with the faults of others.

    Such a simple truth—Jesus Christ is Stronger. ‘Stronger than what,’ you ask? Stronger than whatever would cause you doubt or discouragement today.”

    —James McDonald, “Jesus Christ is Stronger

I don’t know about you but when you toss up the same prayers for an extended period of time, you begin to feel like you are talking to the ceiling rather than the Lord of the Universe, your Father.

First you begin your prayers of “heal so & so; help this person find a job; comfort this hurting person.” Then after a long period of time of unanswered prayers there is a small voice in your head that asks “Lord why has this person not been healed, you are able? Why is this person still looking for a job? You are able.” Even though our prayers continue, that small voice in the back of head continues to question if your prayers are going to be answered at all.

God is stronger than that small nagging voice.

God is stronger than our doubt.

Even if we are not faithful, he IS faithful. He is our sustainer in times of trouble, in times of doubt, in times of confusion. When there is darkness all around and we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel David in the bible has been there and he says:

I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came upon me; I was overcome by trouble and sorrow. Then I called on the name of the LORD: “O LORD, save me!” The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion… when I was in great need, he saved me. (Psalm 116:1-6)

As we begin our journey to the end of the year, sometimes surviving the holidays is almost unbearable by some. The reasons for this vary, but if you are one of these people take the verses in Psalms and tape it up where you will see it daily.

God is stronger, God is your sustainer. Whatever makes you weak, God is stronger!

Father, we are weak and you are strong. Sometimes we keep our focus on our weakness when instead we should focus on your strength. Thank you for your mercy and power. Lord for anyone hurting during this upcoming holiday season, I pray for additional comfort. May you be a warm blanket around those who are hurting. Thank you for being our Sustainer!! Amen.


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12 thoughts on “What Makes You Weak, He Is Stronger

  1. Debbie

    I really needed to hear this today. There are so many difficult circumstances in my life right now. I don’t doubt the Lord but keep wondering what I’m doing wrong. I’ve been praying about a situation for some time now and nothing seems to change. The other day I was so frustrated while I was driving in my car and was crying out to the Lord. All of a sudden, I got hit by another car from the rear side of my car. Thankfully, nobody was hurt. The accident wasn’t my fault and of coure, the cars can be repaired. But it was one more frustration added. I am going to read and pray the Psalm you quoted. Thanks for this timely post.

  2. Sheryl


    Thank you so much for your post. My husband and I have been waiting on an answer to something we have been praying for a year. We believe it is God’s will but we are in waiting mode. This waiting is causing financial hardship, doubt, etc. But, as you say He is stronger, He is faithful.

    God is teaching me that I need to be weak…that’s when He is really strong in my life.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Mommy of two little blessings

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on such an encouraging thing…God is stronger, bigger, better, lasts longer, and understands everything better than any one or any thing else in this world. *smile*
    Harvest blessings. -me-(Mommy of two little blessings)

  4. BP

    What a powerful message to remember! It really doesn’t matter what we face, He is there and in control even when we feel out of control.

  5. Pam

    Reminds me of the little kids song, “My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, theres nothing my God can not do.” Thank you for your devotion.

  6. LynnLynn

    Hi Laurel,

    Powerful post. Powerful God. I sure needed this today. Our family is wading through some tuff and unexpected stuff as well. KNOWING these words and knowing our God is stronger is a giant peace in my heart today. Love you girl. Hugs.

    PS. I am praying this prayer right along with you.

  7. Elizabeth M Thompson

    Thanks for the encouragement. I have been through those Christmases when I thought I might not make it to the end of the year. So much pain and pressure, but not this year! This year I am rejoicing.

  8. eph2810

    Amen to that, Laurel. You are right – He is much stronger than our doubts. I really needed to read it this morning. The Psalms are a great source of comfort to me. Every time I feel weary, I turn to them.

    Thank you for the encouragement.