Whine, Whine, Whine

Some kids are just whiners. They whine about everything. I’m cold. I’m hot. I’m hungry. I’m not hungry. I’m tired. I’m not tired yet! When our kids were young, we had a whiner! He whined about everything. In fact, it got so bad that I finally made him a “whiny” towel and whenever he whined, he would have to wear the“whiny” towel wherever we went.

God has some whiny children too. We  often lose sight of our blessings. Ironically, most of us have more blessings than we can count, but yet we find reasons to complain about the minor frustrations of everyday life. It’s too hot out. I have nothing to wear. My hair looks awful. I’m fat. My boss is unfair. There’s nothing to eat in this house!

PHILIPPIANS 2:14 -15 (MSG) “Do everything readily and cheerfully – no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night.”

Are you tempted to complain about the inevitable minor frustrations of everyday living?Don’t be a whiny Christian … practice today and every day to count your blessings and not your hardships, unless you want to wear a “whiny” towel.

“I may not be able to change the world I see around me, but I can change the way I see the world within me.” -JOHN MAXWELL

Visit my blog for daily devo’s  ~ http://womentakingastand.blogspot.com/

6 thoughts on “Whine, Whine, Whine

  1. Leslie

    I confess sometimes I whine…I know that God is not pleased. So important to see all as coming form Him because it all does…He either allows it or causes it. He is sovereign and His plans for me are good…all the time…my circumstances do not change who I forever am in Him. Thanks for this exhortation. Feeling whiny today about a choice a loved one is making that scares me and ultimately will affect me.

  2. Laura

    Dear Laurie,

    Please. Get. Off my. Toes.

    Ouch! I see me in this, especially lately, Laurie! Thank you for reminding me to refocus my gaze.

    Maybe I need a whiny towel.