Who Will Lay Down Their Life?

September 11 is a date that is forever branded in our hearts and minds as the day that life changed for Americans at the hands of terrorists. It’s been 18 years since that tragic plight that took so many lives away, but I can still remember hearing the news like it was yesterday. So many good people, men and women, laid down their lives that day, to protect and help others. It reminds me of the scripture verse found in John…

“Greater love has no one than this; to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13)

I have been thinking about this scripture this week as we approached the anniversary of 9.11 and I had to ask myself, “What would I lay down for someone else?” In the midst of a tragic, frightening situation as many of those faced in 2001, I’m not sure what I would do. I would like to think that I would give my life without hesitation, but we never know what we would do until we are in the actual situation. I may end up being like many did and just run or I may be brave and strong like those who died that day and stand my ground to my death.

This particular passage is always a reminder to me of what Jesus did for every single person, He gave His life so that each of us could have life. Surely, there is no greater love than that. When someone lays down their life for another, it comes with a cost. For Jesus, it not only cost Him His life; it cost Him some comfort. I can’t imagine that there was anything about being beaten, spit upon and hung on a cross that was comfortable. But yet, He was willing to lay down His life for those that He loved.

Many of us would not be able to do what those did on 9/11, and certainly, none of us could do what Jesus did – give our lives for a bunch of sinners. While we may not lay down our life through death, there are other ways that you and I can lay our life down for our friends. We lay down our lives by giving to those in need, by caring for our elderly or by just listening to a friend who is struggling. Anyone can drop a quarter in a bucket or tell someone they are there for them, but the “laying down” part comes from action, from actually sacrificing something to meet the needs of others. Jesus never thought of Himself, He always put others first. Those who gave their lives 18 years ago did so by putting others first.

My challenge to you today is simply for you to consider if you are willing to lay down your life and if so, what will you be willing to sacrifice?


@copyright2019 laurieadams

**to find more of my devotions, follow my devotion page on Facebook: womentakingastand


2 thoughts on “Who Will Lay Down Their Life?

  1. Iris Nelson

    Powerful message, Laurie. I been thinking about laying down my life for others often. How can I help others. I think one thing is that I am truly listening to what they are saying, and trying to comfort them, if the need arises.

    1. LaurieLaurie

      Iris, Listening to others is truly one way. I think people are so much in a hurry these days that they truly don’t hear what people are saying.