Without Him

Moses was an impetuous, hot tempered man who tried to take matters into his own hands.  He thought he knew how to handle the Egyptians, by creating his own sense of justice, killing a brutal slave master. 

After 40 years in the desert, Moses was an unsure man, humbled by his sin to the point of being perhaps a bit insecure.  He didn’t think he would or could be the man God would use for His glory.  He knew his weaknesses, his inability to speak eloquently and would rather hide under a rock than stand out in front of the nobles declaring God’s word. 

Yes, he was a man with a temper, unsure of his words and trusting in himself…

Without God.

I know my weaknesses too – so many I am afraid to list them.  An inability to conquer sin in my life, selfishness, and sometimes a tendency towards envy.  I see how they limit my service for God and how they mar the image of God in me.  I know who I am deep down.  I’m a sinner.

Without God.

But, WITH GOD, that’s another story.  When I put my trust in God, when I lean hard on Him and open up ALL of my heart to His indwelling Spirit, I’m a whole different person. 

Moses was too.  When he finally TRUSTED God to work in and through him, great things happened.  He was easily the most godly man who ever lived.  When His eyes were upon God and when God’s Spirit worked in him, he performed mighty miracles and he led a nation to their future.  Moses’ face glowed with the glory of God and His life of prayer was an example to all who followed him.  When he was infused with God’s power, he was a mighty man of God.

With God, ALL things are possible.

I know that to be true, but some days, I leave God out.  I don’t do it intentionally.  It’s just that I think I can handle life on my own and I think I know what God wants from me, so I set out to do His will on my own.  And then I am reminded that I’m never meant to live this Christian life in my own power, but that I must surrender every moment (EVERY moment – that’s the key!) to Him and put all of my trust in Him to live in and through me.

That’s when great things happen.  With God!

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6 thoughts on “Without Him

  1. eph2810

    Amen to that, Heather. How often do I think that I can handle things on my own – without God…

    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us this morning.

  2. LindaLinda

    I could have written this devotional about me Heather – but not nearly as beautifully. Thank you for your transparent heart and for sharing great truth.