Words With Friends


The WORD with friends logo

I just can’t get through a day without Words With Friends.

No, I’m not talking about that slightly (or highly!) addictive Scrabble-like game app.

I mean sharing real, genuine words with my friends.

Sometimes it’s a quick text message that lets me know I’ve been thought of. Other times, it’s a lengthy conversation on the phone or in person.

God made us relational beings. After all, He’s relational Himself. Three in One. Eloihim –a plural word for our one true God. “Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness.” (Gen. 1:26)

And He is Logos, The Word (John 1:1). He communicates to us and through us by the Living Word.

And so we relate through words and build relationships that way:: Words With Friends.  

Words can be hurtful (more than sticks and stones) or words can be balms of healing.

And “friends” could be mere facebook contacts or friends can be bare-your-soul, trustworthy, closer-than-a-brother/sister comrades in arms. 

Recently, a dear friend shared this quote with me, “I …come together…with people who bring out my better self, friends with whom I can be…authentic…I make it a point to connect, whenever possible, with (people) with whom I have a history of shared joy and shared pain…who…call forth in me this feeling of safety.” (from A Hidden Wholeness by Parker Palmer.)

That is authentic true friendship.

Not long ago, I felt I was missing it. I had been allowing the general busyness of life to crowd out what makes life worthwhile. So I decided I needed to be intentional in creating and sustaining meaningful friendships. Carving out an hour for a coffee date. Going on a walk with a friend instead of solo on the treadmill. Even simple texts when there isn’t time for conversation.

These small moments, sincere words with genuine friends, make our lives so much richer. Won’t you pick up a pen or phone today to connect or re-connect with someone who helps to bring out your best self?

And please share a word with me today by leaving a comment! I’ll share one right back with you ;D







3 thoughts on “Words With Friends

  1. Bethany

    🙂 Enjoyed your post and am so thankful for the blessing of friends in my life. I need to be more intentional about that time in my life too.