Worshipping the Unholy Trinity

There is power in silence. And our Adversary the Devil is quite aware of its power. That’s why he makes it his business to make sure life is filled with busy-ness. The continual barrage of activity hurls the unsuspecting soul into worshipping an unholy trinity of noise, hurry, and crowds, and lulls us into thinking our doing is a good thing. Too often we believe Satan only wants us to do “bad things,” things we know are wrong. But he is alive and well in the life of the busy Christian who is scheduled all day every day with no room for rest.

The power of silence is more effective than being technologically available 24/7. Jesus often drew away to a quiet place in the midst of noise, hurry, and crowds (Luke 5:16, Mark 6:31,32); a time to pray, focus, rest, and set priorities in order. When we disconnect from the unholy trinity we improve our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health; we’re able to listen to what our holy and righteous God has to say to us personally in His Word; we’re able to know Him better (Psalm 46:10), pray more effectively—not just a generic prayer (Matthew 6:5-15), and we’re able to learn how to wait patiently for Him to act rather than fret and devise our own plan (Lamentations 3:25-28).

Hearing God’s Voice In Times of Silence

Author Philip Yancey made an excellent observation on the topic of hearing God’s voice.

“I know the Lord is speaking to me when I stop listening to sounds from the world that feed my sense of pride and ambition. Instead, I fall quiet. . . and sometimes the Spirit speaks, awakening my conscience, reminding me of failures, stirring my compassion and sense of justice, aligning me with God’s will.”

Yancey recognized that God’s voice always aligns with God’s Word and His will. If the “still, small voice” we’re hearing approves a selfish plan over one that glorifies God, we’re not hearing from the Lord.

He’s calling you to come . . . to be silent before Him and listen.

God’s Voice vs. Satan’s Voice

God’s voice stills you while Satan’s voice rushes you.
God’s voice leads you while Satan’s voice pushes you.
God’s voice reassures you while Satan’s voice frightens you.
God’s voice enlightens you while Satan’s voice confuses you.
God’s voice encourages you while Satan’s voice discourages you.
God’s voice comforts you while Satan’s voice worries you.
God’s voice calms you while Satan’s voice stresses and obsesses you.
God’s voice convicts and forgives you while Satan’s voice condemns you.

The Sacred Disconnect                                                              

Today, may you make the decision to make that sacred disconnect from the unholy trinity of noise, hurry, and crowds and draw near to the triune God. He’s calling you. You are loved unconditionally by Almighty God.


One thought on “Worshipping the Unholy Trinity

  1. Iris Nelson

    Such a powerful message, Marsha. Too often am I drawn by the noise, hurry and crowds. May I take the time to quiet down, and listening to the voice of God.