How Much Are You Worth?

Do you see this handsome young man here? (Please overlook the pink elephantine ears, they aren’t really his.) Samuel had an important question for his father and I today.

His 8 -year-old perfect timing = smack dab in the middle of The Dollar Store.

Samuel: How much does a foster kid cost?

Me: What???

Samuel: How much does a foster kid cost? My new friend in class is a foster kid. He doesn’t have a family, Mom. Do you and Dad have enough money to buy him?

Dad: Well, I’m not sure if we do son. Have you thought this through Samuel? If you had someone living with us your age you would have to share your room.

Samuel: I don’t care Dad. I feel bad he doesn’t have a family.

Me: (Trying to keep my composure.) So, how much do you think your friend costs?

Samuel: He doesn’t know. He said he thinks he is free, but he’s going to ask his foster family tonight. He’s going to tell me tomorrow how much he’s worth.

That was all it took. On came the water-works, crying right there in the middle of the gift wrap aisle at The Dollar Store.

I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that this precious child was trying to figure out what he was worth. His greatest desire…to belong to someone who would love him.

Friends, how many times have we felt worthless? Each time we feel this way, God is watching us and wondering how we don’t know, why we don’t understand just how much we are worth to Him.

Do you realize how precious you are to the Lord? He tells us our worth is far above rubies. (Prov. 31:10) Your value to God makes the Hope Diamond look like a gumball trinket.

The God of the universe bought you with a price, His one and only son. What kind of love is this? A love that cannot be measured. You are worth it all to Him.

Pray Samuel’s friend learns this too.

“For you were bought at a price…” 1Cor.6:19

Stop on over and pay me a visit. I’d love to meet you over at my blog Blessed…

9 thoughts on “How Much Are You Worth?

  1. eph2810

    Oh, Joanne…I have to say – your son is priceless, because he is concerned that his friend does not have a family — what a big heart he has to ask you if his friend can live with you all…

    Yes, there are does that I feel worthless, not good enough. However, every time I do, He sends a message either through a friend or song 🙂

    Thank you for sharing this precious family moment with us.

  2. Sheryl

    Amazing…Out of the mouth of babes.

    It is amazing how much we are worth to our God. He gave up His only Son for us–so that we would be without sin and receive Christ’s eternal life.

  3. bp

    What a powerful story. I pray your little guy can be a light and show love to his friend in a big way at school.

  4. Marsha

    Well this reduced me to tears, Joanne. Sadly, there are many children (and adults) that don’t think they are worth anything.

    What a wonderful example of unconditional love your son is being. He sees we each have worth, he just hasn’t realized what the total of that worth is yet.

    Thank you for sharing this.

  5. LynnLynn

    okay Joanne,

    Go and hug that kid for my right now while I dry the water works here in the Donovan house. My heart aches for this boy who wants to be bought and paid for. Oh the ache and the ache of everyone who doesn’t know their precious value.

    Awesome post.

  6. Dineen Miller

    Wow! This brought me to tears too! My heart breaks for this little boy. But I know God is there working. Perhaps through your son. I’m praying for this little one to know he’s PRICELESS!