Worthless Things

I have been listening to a wonderful audio book (Courageous Living Dare to Take a Stand by Michael Catt). As I was listening today a verse was read that really caught my attention. I looked it up later in my Bible and have been pondering it this afternoon.

“Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.” Psalm 119:37

I got to thinking about all the worthless things we see day after day. Books, magazines, television shows, advertisements, video games, internet sites, movies….the list goes on and on. How many times are we not even aware of what our eyes are seeing?

If you read the previous verse (Psalm 119:36), it says:

“Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain.”

Our hearts need to be turned toward God and His ways. If our eyes are looking at worthless things, our hearts will end up thinking of those things instead of the things of God. I think the enemy likes for us to look at worthless things because they often seem so harmless to us at first. But don’t those worthless things take our attention off of God? Satan will put any distraction in front of us to get our focus off of God and our relationship with Him. I see this more and more in our society as people go crazy for certain actors, athletes, movies, and books. It concerns me greatly to see this fanaticism as well as how people don’t see anything wrong with their dedication (or is it addiction?) to these worthless things.

May our prayer today be that God will turn our eyes away from worthless things and turn our hearts toward Him.

Have a day of blessings!

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4 thoughts on “Worthless Things

  1. Debbie

    Oh Bethany, how true this is! It can be so easy to rationalize time spent on some of the seemingly harmless things but they drain energy and time from what is most important. Thank you for the reminder. And thank you for your consistency in walking your faith walk.

    Love to you,

  2. Jo Royal

    Hi Bethany. Inspired to refocus my thoughts, time and attention on that which is right! So many things can sap our time – even ‘good’ things – even – dare I suggest it – Christian blogging!! I guess we need to ensure our focus remains fixed on the Lord, and we remain open to what He may be teaching and revealing through the other things we are involved in? Hmmm … now you have got me thinking 🙂

  3. Iris

    Amen to that Bethany. I sometimes get distracted by things that are truly worthless. I pray that I get more disciplined.

    Thank you for the reminder to keep out eyes fixed on Him.