You Are Needed

I’m reminded of an episode of the popular drama series on television from the 1970’s and 80’s, The Walton’s. In one particular episode, Grandma returned home after a lengthy stay in the hospital following having a stroke. With limited use of her hands and no ability to speak (effects of the stroke), everyone welcomed her home but limited her to not doing anything. While her family thought they were helping her, they were really just making her feel like she wasn’t needed any longer.

Have you ever felt unneeded in a relationship?

I have often find myself sitting outside of a relationship, looking in. What once seemed close-knit, air tight and never ending now was like looking thru a magnifying glass. The feeling of once belonging and being needed, like Grandma Walton, can quickly change like the wind. Or the wind may just shift in a different direction.

When our children are young, they depend upon us so greatly but as they grow, their dependency on Mom and dad fades away. What they once needed from us is now no longer needed. Same is true in many of our relationships. As newly hired co-workers learn their jobs, they ask us less questions. With so many how-to YouTube tutorials, we no longer need to call a tv repairman or a plumber or a seamstress.

I love my independence just as much as the next guy, in fact, our nation was founded on Independence! We love to have things the Burger King way, “our way!” We think that the more independence we have, the more free and happy our lives will be.

It is truly a sad feeling to not be needed by someone any longer but truth be told we all need people in our lives, even if we don’t know it. Happiness does not come from being independent, isolated and alone. God never intended for man to be alone, why else do you think He created a helpmate for Adam?

Being needed isn’t just for the marriage either, I’m talking about people needing people. We all need people and people need us. Together, we all have an important job to do. My kids may not need me to wipe their nose any longer but they still need me. And I need them and together, we need the Lord.

“Since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other and each of us needs all of the others.” (Romans 12:5)

Let me be the first to say it, in case you were unaware, “YOU ARE NEEDED!”


@copyright2019 laurieadamsdevotions

*find me on my devotion page on Facebook as womentakingastand .

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