You Are What You Think You Are

I’m a woman in my fifties. By some people’s measure, that makes me an “old” woman. A couple years ago, I had the opportunity to go back to school to finish something that I started overĀ  30 years ago. To say that it has been easy would not be true. It has been harder than anything that I have ever done. Some, I’m sure, doubted that I could pull it off, but with much determination and hours of study, I am one semester away from completing my degree. (with a 4.0 I might add!)

I am not trying to toot my horn, not in the least. However, I use this as an example to show that the mentality of “this is as good as it gets” or “this is what I deserve” simply is a lie from the enemy!

In the Book of Proverbs, It says:

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)

As a young person, I was not encouraged or given the opportunity to go to college. Not that my family didn’t want that for me, but it was a different time then. Financially, going to college was not an option and I needed to work to help pay my way.

Often times, I think that our future seems to be carved out from past generations and what once was seems to be what we think must be.

I never saw myself smart or educated because I wasn’t. But once I made my mind up that I wanted to be, I proved to myself (and everyone else) that I was so much more than I ever thought I could be. While it came as a surprise to those around me that an “old” woman could excel in something that all my life I was told I couldn’t, God was not in the least surprised!

All along God knew who I was and all that I was capable of. He chose me, He formed me, He set me apart to do great things.

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

Whatever lot we have been given in life, God has created us to be overcomers. Those dreams that you have dreamed that have gone unfulfilled, God knows all about it and He wants you to rise above and become who He has designed you to become. It is never too late, we never become too old to be more than we are. Never settle for less, reach for the stars and look to your heart to realize who you are yet to become.

Blessings. Laurie

@copyright2018 laurieadams

3 thoughts on “You Are What You Think You Are

  1. Iris Nelson

    Powerful message, Laurie. You are right; our age does not define us who we are. If we need strength to see things through, we know Who will gives us the strength.

    Congratulations on your achievement.