You Have Questions-He Has Answers

Right now, as I type this…this little critter is chewing his newest stuffed squeaky toy.  We are sold on this little ball of fur.  He loved the snow back in February–but hates blowing leaves!  Go figure.  We are silly enough to ask him questions and expect answers. Boy would we be shocked if he opened his mouth to speak–instead of bark.

Do you do that? I know we did that with our kids. I do that with my parents. Ask questions, get answers. With our daughters, the answers were sometimes comical. Almost always I could sense the truth from a fancy fabrication. The fabrication always  came with consequences

Do you ever feel like you ask God questions and then perhaps don’t get an answer? I have. But His word lets us know without doubt, He does hear…and He will answer. Sometimes the answer is such that we would rather not perceive it as coming from Him, maybe because we don’t want that answer…

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find [me], when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13 (emphasis mine)

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah 33:3 (emphasis mine)

I have found that when I truly get in the place of humbleness before Almighty God, and I seek Him with all my heart…I hear from Him. Every.Single.Time.  Granted, the answer may not be as I’d want, but I am learning to trust that whatever He says is best for my life. Whatever decision He makes in my walk, it is for my good. I am to trust and follow.

I remember months ago, I was telling Jeff of an issue I thought might be happening with my vehicle. My old, but trustworthy vehicle. It’s a SUV and I have enjoyed driving it for these past several years. But when it makes a funny noise I tense up. It’s like, “okay truck, I’ll trust you as long as you are faithful to get me to where I am going…but if you fail…then I’m done trusting you at all!”

What if God trusted us like that? I shudder to think of the times I have all out FAILED Him! Yet, He continues to put me in the repair shop of the Holy Spirit. He continues to rely on me to get His message out to others. 

As the busyness of occupational changes are taking place, I am reminded once again to gear up to do my part in His mission work. The place where I feel called. However, this place where you hear my voice, but rarely “hear” my voice, is not my only calling. Nor is it yours. You don’t have permission from God to hide behind a keyboard. You are compelled just as I am to go out and tell. Live Him before others. Tell them!

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15 (emphasis mine)

And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them. Acts 16:10 (emphasis mine)

We are one of two people. We are a missionary or a mission project. If you are not a missions project, you have a job to do. Wherever your feet trod, obey. Wherever you are planted, as my mother would say, bloom.   Share Him.   When a friend has a struggle in her life, pray for her.   Share scriptures with others through cards, phone calls, e-mails, and yes, in person.

There are times I feel that I have failed miserably to do as I have been called.  But I press on–striving to do better.  In all things. Laundry included.

What about you?

Where do you feel called or compelled to work?  If you ever wonder about your true calling–examine your heart–it’s probably there tucked away, in the very thing you most enjoy doing!

Father, I come before Your throne of grace, so thankful that you didn’t retire this vehicle of flesh when I failed to follow Your instructions to the letter. Help my eyes to see, my heart and mind to understand and my lips to speak. Place a fire burning inside my soul so intense that I have to share or burst! That fire will come through prayer and devotion to Your Word. I praise You for You are my Lord and Savior! I praise You because I KNOW in my heart that this day and hour is for those SEEKING more of You! I want to be part of the blessing! I want to bless others with what YOU have given me! I place all of this in Your loving hands to work out the details! Use me—until it’s time for me to go! In the Holy Name of Your only Son, Jesus Christ~Amen.


Following Him,


© The Knightly News 2007-2010

8 thoughts on “You Have Questions-He Has Answers

  1. Iris

    Amen to your prayer, Angie. Yes, may He use me where ever He plants me.
    I too am glad that He has not yet retired me because I sometimes wander in a different directions.

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.

  2. Amy

    Thank you so much for sharing this! Sometimes some of us forget while busying ourselves with worldly endeavors. :S

  3. Karen Thompson

    I have visited that Holy Spirit repair shop many many times…thank God He knows me by name there…and continues to work on me…even at times when I should have been thrown in the junk pile…

  4. LindaLinda

    “tucked away in the very think I enjoy doing most” – I love that thought Angie. As I was growing up, I somehow got the idea that whatever the Father wanted me to do would be the very thing I dreaded most. I understand now that that is simply not true.
    Wonderful post.