Your Legacy Will Live On

And old friend called me today and we spent some time on the phone catching up on each other’s lives. During our conversation I mentioned to her something my mom would always say to me when I was feeling discouraged. I still remind myself of those words when I find myself in need of encouragement.

I was surprised when my friend told me that she had recently been talking to her daughter about my mom. She said she’d been telling her daughter about how nice my mom was and how she could call my mom anytime and that my mom would encourage her and pray for her.

One generation shall commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts. psalm 145:4 (ESV)

It encouraged me to know that my mom’s legacy of kindness, love, prayer and encouragement still lingers in the hearts of the many lives she touched. The fact that my friend remembers the love my mom, who died almost twelve years ago, showed her touched my heart. The fact that she shared her memories of my mom with her daughter meant the world to me. It serves as a reminder to me that way we interact with others matter and that, our words live on long after we are gone.

I don’t know what my legacy will be but, I hope when I am gone those whose lives have cross paths with mine will say that I showed them the love of Christ.

3 thoughts on “Your Legacy Will Live On

  1. Iris Nelson

    So wonderful to hear that your mom’s legacy is living on in the lives she has touched. You have such a kind and gentle spirit, Bernadine, and I am sure that will be what people remember about you.