A Divine Balloon?

Hello all of my friends here at Laced With Grace. When I look at the calendar every week and realize my turn to write is fast approaching, I tend to get a little panicky because there is not a thought in my head that I have to share.

imported-photos-00013.JPGI send up an S.O.S. prayer to our Lord and He NEVER fails to provide me with a learning lesson from His very hand. Last week, you may remember, He provided through my scatterbrained-mistaken delivery of a Bible study book. What a lesson that was. This week He delivered a balloon.

Sunday my husband opened the back door to go outside to do some chores. As he opened the door, this is what he found lying on the doorstep.

Now look at little closer. Can you read the words?


Is reads: BAPTISM!

I think God is hilarious! The delivery from the sky of this particular balloon is irony taken to a supernatural level. God is funny. Really, He is. He knows how much I love to laugh so He sends a “Baptized” balloon to my unbeliever on a Sunday morning.

My husband brings the balloon in wearing a befuddled look on his face. He shows me and I can’t help but to bust out with knee-slapping merriment. I laugh so hard I actually snort. How ironic. Can you believe God would send a special and private invitation to my man?

The arrival of this balloon was perfect. It prompted a pointed and genuine conversation about baptism. My husband knows enough about Jesus’ teaching to know baptism is a deciding step toward faith. He is familiar with Christ’s example.

Matthew 3: 13-17 (NIV)

The Baptism of Jesus
13Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. 14But John tried to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?”
15Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented.

16As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. 17And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

Of course, I had to say something. I couldn’t let this divine moment slip away. “Honey, do you think this is your personal invitation to be baptized?” Usually I avoid these direct approaches because they tend to move into moments of tension between us. However, today, between my snorts of laughter I couldn’t help asking.

He kindly replied, “I am not ready.” *smile*

His response humbled and surprised me. I didn’t realize my man had actually contemplated baptism. Praise the Lord, he has!

It is unlike me to leave a story unfinished. I always like neat and tidy endings. However, today, I leave the ending of THIS story undone. I will wait for the Master Author to finish this scene. And finish it He will. It will be spectacular.

I can’t wait for the day when I can tell all of you who faithfully prayed for this man, he found his way to the foot of the cross. It will happen!

O Lord God, today I shout out the names of all of those whose salvation hangs in the balance. For my husband, for my neighbors, family, every person at my salon, gals in my Bible study, my online visitors who are searching. Lord, I shout their name out before your throne. Send them a balloon. Send them hope through the Bible, or a kind word, or some encouragement. Let them see Jesus in me and in every believer who stops in here today. In the life-changing name of Jesus I ask for their salvation, Amen.

Who is your hold out this day? Wont you shout out along with me?


13 thoughts on “A Divine Balloon?

  1. Franki

    This post is truly a blessing to me. My husband is also an unbeliever and I am now praying for a “Divine Balloon” to come our way.

    Many blessings.


  2. e-Mom

    You bring tears to my eyes! How we will rejoice with you when the day of your husband’s baptism comes!

    “I’m not ready” contains a hint of the future doesn’t it? It’s certainly not a direct “No.” PTL!

    Sometimes the Lord speaks to us in the strangest ways, and I do believe this balloon was a personal invitation sent to your husband from heaven. Awesome.


  3. Tammy

    We are praying with you! Can’t wait to see what else God does to show you His nearness, reveal Himself and His grace, and to draw your precious husband to Himself.

  4. Gretchen

    Well, Lynn, you know I’m shouting Big’s name along with you. I get the “I’m not ready” responses, too, when I dare to ask a pointed question. Instead of feeling deflated, I’ll turn praise to God, since, truly, “I’m not ready” doesn’t mean “I never will be”. God is in control. I can’t wait for the celebration. As always, you touch me to my very core. ((((Hugs))))


  5. Jenileigh

    Hallelujah!!! This post was perfect for me today. You are an inspiration! I’m lifting you and your man up in prayer to our Heavenly Daddy! Wooohooo

  6. Cory

    Lynn, I am shouting with you. Praise God for moving in your husband’s life. Sometimes, small steps are the hardest to be patient with when you know how much better life will be when he fully accepts God. That is the hardest part for me. I see what needs to happen and just want my husband to hurry up and fully submit to the Lord. He is saved but is struggling with living a Christ-filled life. Please join me in prayers for patience as well as the prayers for those that need God. Bless you Lynn. Cory

  7. Angie

    Lynn, I couldn’t help but get teary when I read this. Now I don’t need to have an all out “bawl fest” because I have new contacts in and tears are rough on them, but I can’t seem to stop.
    It is so like God to send a special invitation to join Him! I love that about God. He is always personal, always real, always everything we need, when we need it—EVERY TIME! This definitely gave your honey something to ponder—you can guarantee it!!!

    I love and cherish the thoughts the Lord send you—thanks for always being willing to share and get it out there for us!!!

    I posted a comment on Dineen’s last post, read it, it is for you as well! You mean so much to me! If I never get to thank you personally this side of heaven, YOU can take it to the bank that GOD will direct me to you in HEAVEN, because of you and your faithful prayers, my child will be there too!!!
    Your honey is on his way as well. Count on it! Believe it! Do not waver. 🙂
    I love you!!!

  8. tammy jo

    I think today your blog was my ballon, an invitation to believe God is still working, and invitation to believe Him for my situation.

  9. monica

    Praise God in all His goodness! The Holy Spirit is at work. We think we have to do it all don’t we? I love the glimpses He gives us of His behind the scenes work! Blessed Be His Name!