How Hungry Are You?

A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb,

But to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet. Proverbs 27:7
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

A sated man doesn’t seek. He’s no longer hungry. He’s satisfied and not willing to search. But a starved man will eat burnt toast. He’s seeking, he’s hungry. Have you ever noticed how fragile spiritual hunger is? One little delight and we’re good for a while. We don’t stay hungry for long. These verses are talking about real hunger-craving, pursuing, seeking. Empty-belly hunger. That’s the kind of hunger God is looking for. Content in Him certainly. Content in who He is, and in the way he provides for our every need, but not satisfied. Not feeling so full that we no longer crave the knowledge and presence of God.

Cassidy, page 43

“What was your latest response to God’s Word? A gasp or a yawn? Have you begun to yawn when I mention the fear of the Lord? Is that subject getting old for you are you still gasping?”

Cassidy by page 135

I am a bookworm and an avid reader of fiction. Most of the times when I’m reading fiction it’s for the love of a good story. However there are many times when I’m reading that I’m totally convicted by something one of the characters say. This was the case when I read the above quotes in Lori Wick’s novel Cassidy. It was as if Pastor Rylan was speaking from the pages of the book directly to my heart. I felt convicted. I had to reread the page several time. My mind was no longer on enjoying the story but my relationship with God. In fact I had to put the book down and ask myself a few tough questions;

What is my response to God’s word?

Do I still gasp with wonderment and awe?

Do I really have the spiritual hunger that I should have?

The answer, not always. However, even as the characters in the book made a new commitment to God so did I. In the times when I’m not as hungry as I should be for the things of God I ask him to renew my desire, my passion for him. The passion that surpasses my desire for anything else in life. I want to be, to paraphrase Pastor Rylan, content in God. Content in who He is, and in the way he provides my every need, but never so completely satisfied that I don’t crave the knowledge and presence of Him above all things.

Bernadine Sig_Tag

4 thoughts on “How Hungry Are You?

  1. Laurel

    I find when I am not hungry, then that is an indication I am not where I should be. Because once I get back into his word, I want to know more and more and more….

    Love the picture.

  2. Jenileigh

    Powerful and so true. I often find that physical hunger is so much more powerful than my spiritual hunger. This devotion was eye opening. Thank-you!

  3. Heather Cox

    We (in America) are so satiated with both physical and spiritual food, it can be easy to lose the feeling of hunger. But God wants us to long for Him and I think He is pleased with even our desire to be more hungry.