A False Security

The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

When I was a child, my mom always would say she wanted to drive a “big car” because she felt safe in it. I can think back and remember how irrational and illogical that reasoning sounded. I never could understand why she didn’t realize just how much cooler the whole family would look in sports car instead of a big 4 door tank?

I admit I have always had a “thing” for cars. Even as a young child, I was into cars. So, it will come as no surprise that after much begging, pleading, bargaining and negotiating with my husband, he caved and bought me the car of my dreams – a Mustang GT Convertible (white with a tan top – at least I reachable dreams). Almost ten years ago when he bought me the car I wasn’t concerned about its safety. I didn’t think about a family in the future or how I would feel about them riding in that car. In fact, when my oldest was born, I still used the Mustang a lot. I even put the top down after she was about 6 months old for short little trips.

Then number two came along and the Mustang became a bit more cramped. It was during that time that I began to drive my husband’s full size truck more and more. Before I knew it, I was hooked on a big vehicle and the feeling of being “safe.” I no longer felt comfortable taking the kids in a Mustang – let alone a convertible. Then number 3 came along and we did what any normal couple would do – we traded the full size truck in on a Suburban.

I will tell you that I feel so safe in that SUV. I worry when we have to go somewhere in my husband’s car. I worry if I have to travel with someone else. Just a couple of weeks ago, my friend drove us to golf lessons in her Odyssey van and I shook like a chicken in the front seat praying the whole time for God to keep us safe. On that trip, I realized that I have gotten to a place where my security and safety is in the design of the Suburban – primarily because of its size. I could go on and on reasoning why I love the truck and feel safe in it. The point is that I had more faith in that vehicle than in God’s ability to protect my family. Yet, I will be the very one to tell you, “trust in God, He is sovereign.” All the while I was hiding a secret – I am scared to be in any other vehicle other than my Suburban. (I guess it will come as no surprise that I am afraid to fly).

How did I get to this point? How did I go from being a free flowing fun adult enjoying a convertible to being scared to death of that car with the kids in it? How did I get to the place where I no longer trusted the Lord but trusted my Suburban? I am not sure when fear took over but one thing is for sure – it has. I have never had a car accident. I don’t have a real good reason why I am afraid in other cars. Somehow, someway it happened and fear has dictated this aspect of my life.

God has not called us to live a life of fear. He has given us freedom from fear through our walk and relationship with Jesus. Many areas of my life are free from fear and I thank God for that. Yet, I still have plenty to work on. I know that I treasure my children and the thought of something happening to them allows me to live in fear. Maybe that is where the underlying fear began and maybe somehow I think by driving a bigger vehicle I can control what happens. Yet I know God has a plan and a purpose for our family. I also know that nothing in life happens that doesn’t pass through His sovereign plans first. God’s Word, my final authority, assures me of this. I want to trust Him. It is something that through God’s grace I can work on. So, today I begin by admitting my sin in allowing fear to rule and dictate this portion of my life and ask for God’s amazing grace and forgiveness.

What are you fearful of? Is today the day that you can begin to hand over that fear to the Lord by placing it at the Cross?

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
  and lean not on your own understanding;
 6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
  and he will make your paths straight.
 7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
  fear the LORD and shun evil.
 8 This will bring health to your body
  and nourishment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:5-8

Dear father in heaven, Lord I humbly approach You knowing that I have sinned. I have placed my trust and faith in things of this earth – in material earthly things for the protection of my family when I know that my only hope is in You. Please forgive me. Lord, through the guidance of your Holy Spirit, please help me to live a life that reflects Your grace and give me freedom from my fears. Teach me daily to put all my faith and all my trust in You and You alone. In Jesus name, Amen.

8 thoughts on “A False Security

  1. debrah

    great post! amazing that sometime we don’t recognize that we are fearful until we are out of the place where we feel secure. You are so right-Placing our Faith in Jesus is the only way to be free from fear. How can we have faith unless we hear and how can we hear unless one be sent? Praise God that we have His Word and the more familiar we become with His Word, the more familiar we are with Him and then the more transformed into His image we become.
    BTW…Plant Lady of Plant Lady’s Ponderings is having a great give away…a basket of hand made soaps…it is open to anyone…final day to enter is Friday august 8th…
    Be Blessed,
    In His Love,

  2. LynnLynn

    Hi Renee,

    Wow, it is strange how old fears we have concquered can creep back in upon us. Recently, I have had one of those old nagging fears working on me. I immediately begin praying it away. Strange…

    Loved this post. Thank you for sharing from your heart. Hugs, Lynn

  3. Amy

    oh I love this Renee! (my daughter is also called Renee btw) – I use to have such a spirit of fear until I saw GOd more and more take control of situations.

  4. Noreen

    Hi Renee, I so relate to your post because I have battled fear when others, including my hubby, were driving on the freeway until I realized I was not trusting God to watch over me and take care of me. So now I pray and try to release it and instead just watch scenery. My days are numbered by the Lord anyway so why should I worry them away. Blessings to you for your post.

  5. Shoua

    Renee, this is beautiful: illustration and application. Thank you for sharing. I’ve yet meet a fearless person. The only wall between our relationship with Christ is fear. We know it in our head, but to get it in our mind is a story of it’s own.

    God bless. Shoua

  6. Bernadine

    I so needed this post today. I’ve allowed fear to creep in again on a situation that I had already turned over to God. Thanks for this powerful post.