Give a Little Grace

“Why did you paint the nursery with two different shades of yellow?  When are you going to finish the complementary stripes? Why did you have to change all of the policies in here?”  wondered a mother.  Judgment.

I know I have to answer her, but I’m sure how to say it nicely.  I sometimes have the same kinds of questions.  For example, why do people commit to help with a project and then call me the night before to explain their inability to follow through?  I use an understanding voice as I murmur, “I know, the hay must be cut and I know how it is when a work project pops up all of the sudden.”  But inside, I don’t really understand and I feel frustrated.  Judgment.

Just this morning, a conversation with another mother gave me perspective.  She was complaining about her neighbor’s kids.  They are unsupervised and the neighbor mom doesn’t seem to take motherly precautions to protect them.  My friend stormed over to their house to warn the neighbor mom about protecting her kids.  Judgment.

I didn’t say anything out loud, but inside I thought, Give the poor mother a little grace. 

We don’t know all the circumstances surrounding the situation and we don’t know a person’s heart, so why is it that we are so quick to jump to conclusions and judgements?  We think, I would never do it that way. 

Colossians 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace

When I make eggs in the morning, I sprinkle a little salt on them.  When I eat soup at lunch, I sprinkle a little salt on it and when I have chicken for supper, I season it with a little salt.  The apostle Paul says that our conversations with each other likewise ought to ALL be sprinkled with a little grace.  

Grace makes our words more palatable.

Grace doesn’t criticize or judge.  Grace sees a person’s heart and Grace looks through God’s eyes.  Grace comes from love, which isn’t concerned with perfect external details, but instead is concerned with people. 

When I see an imperfect situation, I can choose to complain or I can see the imperfect person through eyes of grace.  Today, I choose grace.

5 thoughts on “Give a Little Grace

  1. Shoua

    Grace is often needed, often forgotten. Grace is needed by all, but not all are willing to give. I, myself, sometimes demand more grace than I am willing to give. Wouldn’t it be beautiful if we all take time to listen and share a little grace?

  2. Debrah

    Yes If I would only think before I act..Respond instead of Reacting…
    I know that there are many times that I don’t receive the Grace that is offered to me and also have a difficult time extending Grace to self…Perhaps if I extended Grace to others I could then take the pressure off of self…Judgment begets Judgment …Grace begets Grace
    Be Blessed,
    In His Love,

  3. LynnLynn

    Hi Heather,

    You know, this is one of the most difficult things for me to do. To really be forgiving and abudant in grace when I am instead full of judgement. This post struck a chord with me. I need work, lots of it, in this. Thank you. Hugs, Lynn

    PS. My spam word is GRACE. hmmmmm

  4. Vicki

    Oh Heather! This is really good. I know how much I appreciate it when others extend grace to me. That’s how I want to be too, although I’ve failed many times. May His Spirit flow more and more through us, prompting gentleness and love and always grace.
