A Time of Peace

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.

2 Corinthians 10:5 – 6

Here Paul tells us we are in a war a war where we have to be on alert to things that come up against the knowledge of God.

Last week I talked about when things do not go as planned. When you life is in chaos. Most Christians, during those chaotic times, are praying and studying God’s word to give them direction.

I want to ask you what your spiritual life is like during the times when things are going smoothly.

I am an emotional person, I feel things deeply. The early part of my Christian walk could be described as a roller coaster. When things were shaking me up, I was on my knees; I was the closest to God during these times, I was obeying His word. When things went smoothly I was going to church but not studying as much, not seeking God as much, living life status quo.

So guess what God had to do? He had to wake me up. Cause more chaos. You see He loves me; He wants to spend time with me; and He is willing to do whatever to get me to come to Him. Then the Lord led a wise woman to me who said, “if the only time you are close to God is when your life is in chaos, then He will continue giving you chaos. He wants to spend time with you.” God was speaking through her, giving me a big warning.

I found myself on my knees telling God I can not take all this emotional upheaval. I feel like I am up one minute and then down the next. Please help me find a happy medium between the two of us. I made the conscience effort to study God’s word, to draw closer to him when times were good. I follow his word; seek ways to obey Him, when things are going smoothly. I stopped making God just my SOS. During the time of blessings, I am falling on my face before him, just as I do in the time of great turmoil.

John W. Ritenbaugh is quoted in saying, “I am here to tell you, please do not let down, when it appears as if nothing is happening. Those very dangerous periods of time—the easy times, the good times, the affluent times.”

Satan uses times of tranquility in Christians. He wants us to feel comfortable, to become stagnate. Christ warns us to always be on the look out for hardships that are sure to come. Use these times to study, to sharpen your knowledge of the Lord, to seek His will.

The day will come when we will have to take a stand and “demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.” Just like in athletics, those of us who are prepared, who train, during the off season tend to do the best when competing for the prize.
Heavenly Father thank you that you love me so much, that you will do whatever, to get me to spend time with you. Thank you for my times of rest and peace. Help me to use the time wisely, to know you more, to study your word, and to just be with you. Help me to prepare myself for the trails that will surely come my way, and to have the knowledge to destroy any pretensions that come up against you. Amen.

7 thoughts on “A Time of Peace

  1. LynnLynn

    Hi Laurel,

    So many Christians live life with God only in the chaos. Your post is filled with truth. I am heading now for my bible and prayer journal. Blessings!!

  2. janet

    I’ve ridden that rollercoaster so many times! Wisdom comes when we begin to realize that we need Him just as much even when things are going well. Yes, I thank God for those hard times that draw me back to Him and pray for the day when I’ll seek Him as diligently in the good times.

  3. eph2810

    Amen to that Laurel. I have just experienced this past week. When times are going smooth and I think I don’t need to stay close to Him, bang – I am reminded otherwise.
    Thank you for reminding us that we should/need to be in His Word also in the good times…

  4. Heather

    Oh yes. I remember how for the firsst 5 years of my livin a Christian life I prayed for a teachable spirit so He woldn’t have to teach me through the hard stuff. It took a long time and I am still apt to forget and need some chaos to shake me up.

  5. Fiddledeedee (It Coulda' Been Worse)

    Beautifully written my friend. I know that roller coaster well. This can be such an emotional time of year, and with that, chaos is sure to barge in an well. It’s so easy for me to get causht up in business and not make time for Lord. And yet, that is what will give me peace. Thank you for the reminder.

  6. Melanie

    Thanks, Laurel. I also think that when times are good, and we don’t feel attacked by Satan, that is when we aren’t serving God. Satan sees us as a waste of time. “Why should I bother her? She is living a lukewarm life, not serving God.” He wants to bother the woman over there who is active in service, studying the Word. She is the woman he sees as a threat.
    I also agree with how God sometimes has to ring the alarms to get our attention. If we won’t willingly come before Him on our knees, He will just bring us to our knees. Through trials and struggles, we grow. He loves us, so He wants us to grow. :>)