I Will Not Be Controlled By Anything

Those are Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 6:12. We tend to think of that verse in a single context, but there are so many things that can control us.

This is a “death to diets” time of year – but I will not be controlled by food.

I went to the mall today…but I will not be controlled by impatience.

I have an exam on Tuesday…but I will not be controlled by stress.

I talked to my dad today…but I will not be controlled by emotions.

I had hoped to spend Christmas with my parents for the first time in a few years. They had driven back to Michigan from Florida to see my mom’s sister who they didn’t think was going to live through the holidays. Well, she’s stable and it’s a week before Christmas. So they are leaving on Monday. If I had known that, I would have driven over to the other side of the state this weekend.

Yes – I am disappointed. But I will not be controlled by anything but the Holy Spirit.

In this time of the year, it is so easy to get controlled by the “tyranny of the urgent” – things that must be done right now. I resolve to make time for God, for my kids, for the things that are more important than getting the shopping done today.

I’m doing Weight Watchers; this morning the leader gave us each a poker chip to carry around with us – to remind us to “chip out time” for ourselves. I resolve to do that – for me, time for myself means spending time with God.

Some of us are sick, some of us are lonely. Some of us have memories at are difficult at this time. Yesterday, one of my students took “time out” from a holiday party and I found him in the coatroom. He told me that he was remembering his mom (who died several years ago). For some of us, Christmas brings feelings that we don’t like very much (I understand that, although Thanksgiving has been, until last year, my most difficult time).

God knows – and God can handle us telling Him our feelings – tell Him! Give Him the load. Share with a sister in Christ, let her share your burden.

I’ve wandered all over in this post, but it’s all part of a common thread – what is controlling you?

How are you dealing with it?

6 thoughts on “I Will Not Be Controlled By Anything

  1. Heather

    You know, I feel like the silliest person in the world. Yesterday I finally came to the realization that there is no such thing as “normal”, that all of us are going through “something”, and that it is a choice as to whether we let our circumstances affect us or we let God deal with it. I am to be content in all things, not just the good ones. I know that but it didn’t occur to me that it applied to Christmas as well. How silly. The sacrifice of praise is to e given at all times, not just when it’s comfortable.

  2. eph2810

    You see, I am dealing with a lot of changes in my life – again. This might be the last Christmas our son will spend home. Who knows where he will spend Christmas next year…

    But I do know one thing — God is constant. And I know where He will be. He will guide me through the rest of my earthly life.

    Thank you for the thoughts this morning.

  3. Laurel Wreath

    This is great post for me right now, because I have been battling “not being controlled” by a certain something. This is what I needed to read. blessings.

  4. Lundie Pinner

    That’s a great verse for me to hear this morning. Thank you for sharing it. I often forget that “we are a slave to what we serve”. And for me that includes food. I do not like the idea that I am controlled by anything, save the Holy Spirit. Thanks for the refresher!

  5. Heather

    God knows – and God can handle us telling Him our feelings – tell Him! Give Him the load. Share with a sister in Christ, let her share your burden.

    You said this so well… God Knows, he knows our joy and our burdens even before we realize or recognize them as our own. The last two weeks I have been controlled by events and activities, this coming week I am so looking forward to quietness and family!

    Im lucky to have a best friend that helps carry my burdens- that in itself is such a blessing!


  6. LynnLynn

    Hi Ellen,

    Great thoughts. I am pausing to think about what is really controlling me today. I appreciate you for bringing this about. Blessings!