A Work in Progress

This summer among other things, I am working on a writing project that has me on somewhat of an emotional rollercoaster, some days laughing, some days crying and some days laughing through tears. In other words, I’ve had a few days when I was a big blubbering mess.           

I started the project last summer but didn’t get very far because I wasn’t ready to deal with the emotional aspect of the writing.  So, there it sat for a full year in a hidden file on my computer.  However, since the writing project is really to be the fulfillment of a promise I made I decided that this summer I was going to finish it no matter what.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.  Mark 11:24

Before my summer vacation began I presented my plans prayerfully to God and asked for his strength and guidance as I once again attempted to complete this project.  I’ve always been able to call upon him.  I’ve proven him so many times but yet I am always in awe of the simple but profound truth that when we call upon him he will indeed answer.           

So far this summer I have exceeded my own expectation on this project that totally defeated me last summer.  Like  me it’s still a work in progress but, I’m so thankful that at least I can see the progress that I’ve made over the last few weeks and I know it’s only because of God’s grace and guidance.  What a difference a year has made.

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10 thoughts on “A Work in Progress

  1. eph2810

    I am so glad that you are able to work this summer on your project 🙂 – Maybe I should just lay my project before Him…May our Lord continue to give you the strength and guidance so you can finish the project.

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us this morning…Be blessed today and always.

  2. LynnLynn

    Oh Amen Bernadine,

    This scripture is powerful and our God is amazing. Bernadine, may the Lord bless your writing and rest in the fact that it is in the most capable hand of the Most High. Love you girl. Hugs!

  3. Shalee

    Constantly I am amazed at the Lord’s goodness when I take my tasks to him. Be it a big project or something as simple as a request to help me find my lost keys, He is always faithful to his promise of taking care of my needs.

    Prayer and petitioning are always a great way to submit to the Lord every facet of your life. Now, if only I would put that into better practice…

  4. LauraLee Shaw

    Wow, could I relate to this post!!! I’m a passionate starter but a lousy finisher. You are doing an amazing job of staying the course! Inspiration for the rest of us on the journey with you. Grace and peace!

  5. DanaDana

    I can so relate to what you have said…your an inspiration and testimony of just how wonderfully God works in our lives! Keep us posted on the progress 🙂

  6. Laurel

    Amen, God’s grace and guidance is what sustains me. I was just thinking today as I swept my patio that I am such a hopeless cause with out God’s grace.

    Wishing you much success and completion on your writing adventure.

  7. Amy

    It’s amazing how much God can teach us in such a short time – glad’He’s made a difference in your life 🙂

  8. LindaLinda

    I’m so proud of you Bernadine. I think sometimes the Lord is just waiting for us to take that first step, and then He grabs hold of our hand and helps us all the way through.