The Fruit of your Labor

This summer has been glorious, warm, and filled with fresh produce.  Our backyard garden yielded plenty of  zucchini, yellow summer squash, carrots, green beans, broccoli, spinach and the sweetest corn.  In addition, we’ve filled our freezer with raspberries and strawberries.  Before I moved to the mid-west, I had never really…

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Drama Queen

I don’t know why it is; but for some reason when things are going poorly in my life, I exaggerate and imagine the very worst. If it’s been a rough day, then it’s been a horrible, terrible, excruciating day and I’m to be pitied above all humanity. If someone said…

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A Place of Security

This time of year means graduation parties for me these days. Everyone is going different directions; looking forward to changes and a wide open future. Some days this is exciting, but in reality, it’s also very unsettling. Life is about to change pretty drastically for many of these students. Where…

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