Be Focused

Recently I started working on a new project. I had a picture in mind of exactly what I wanted to do and what it was supposed to look like in the end. I started working with excitement, a change here, a change there and before you know it I’d be done. Or so I thought.

I was wrong! I underestimated the magnitude of the project a and overestimated my ability to get it done. After a few days I realized that I was making very little progress. I felt frustrated and overwhelmed. So, I took a few days break from the project. During that time,I came up with a plan of what I wanted to accomplish each day. I decided that trying to take it on as a whole wasn’t working. If anything it simply made me feel like I was failing miserably.

Each day I worked on the task I assigned myself for that day. I ignored my impulse to tackle other areas that screamed for my attention. I stuck to my plan. Consequently, as the days passed I began to see progress. The project wasn’t finished but because I was more focused and following a plan I could see myself getting closed to the finished product I envisioned.

Are you guilty of wanting to take on too much at times? It doesn’t have to be a project at home or work. Sometimes it may be life in general. There are so many hurting people you’d love to help. There’s numerous projects worth being a part of… and before you know it you’re exhausted.  in fact, you’re burnt out and worst yet you don’t feel like you can give your best to anything.

If, like me, you start feeling overwhelmed I’d encourage you to take a break. Spend some time talking to your Heavenly Father. Ask Him just what is it you need to focus on in this moment of your life.

I promise, He will direct and guide you. He’ll remind you to focus on him because, Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it… Psalm 127:1

3 thoughts on “Be Focused

  1. Iris Nelson

    That is such a powerful reminder to not take on too much. Especially working on a project, I think that daily assignments are the key for sure.

  2. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Bernadine, great Word for today. I’m guilty of taking on too much and then I get overwhelmed and lose focus of what is important.

  3. Luwana

    I can no longer hold out to finish home projects in one day. A good word for us, friend.