Be Kind

“And if you do good to those who do good to you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.” ~ Luke 6:33-36 (ESV – emphasis mine)

Over the past six month, the department I am part of, has had some really tough losses. One of my co-worker’s had to bury her teenage son; our former manager past away suddenly (not even 40 yet).

One of the things that I have noticed lately that there is kindness, but is it genuine? We all know about our lives since everyone is sharing most of it online. I have stayed away from Facebook for the last week or so; it has served me well. I know that some people are kind because they want something in return. For me being kind is a lifestyle; I don’t expect anything in return. I like to be kind to others; making them smile and remind them that they are valued.

I think that we all need to be more kind to each other, and actually mean it. I love this quote by Mother Teresa:

“Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting…Don’t only give your care, but give your heart as well.”

Will you join me over the next months to be kind to others? Smile at a stranger, say good morning, give a hug to someone who has been worn down by the weight of life? Kindness doesn’t cost us anything, but it can make someone’s day.

Lord of Heaven and Earth. Life is rough, and sometimes cold. Give us Your eyes to see the need in the world. Help us to be kind to the hurting, the lonely, the elderly, the friend, the stranger. You have shown us how to be kind; we want to follow in your footsteps. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

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6 thoughts on “Be Kind

  1. Marsha

    So true, Iris. Some give kindness to get something from us. And I love the Mother Teresa quote. Thank you for sharing—-and thank you for adding the ability to subscribe to the daily devotionals. I’m enjoying having it delivered to my mailbox.

  2. Luwana

    The world is so full of those “sitting in the seat of the scornful,” a kind response sows God seed.

  3. Katie Sweeting

    Amen, Iris! We need more kindness in our world today, genuine, real, heartfelt kindness. Thanks for your post.