Being a Believer in a Non-Believer World

It is the same old question that is being asked today that has always been asked…”How can a Believer live in a Non-Believer World?” This week, before teaching the youth small group study on Wednesday, a teen came to me and asked this very question, except the question was more tailored like this…

“How can I be a Christian in my home when nobody else is?”

Tough question, especially for a junior high young person to understand. But, sinners are nothing new to God. Non-believers have been around since the beginning of time. So, how are we suppose to live with these so called “sinners”?

First of all, before we can win those we live with, or anyone for that fact, we must love them. We must first become their friend. Looking at the actions of Jesus, we can only conclude that how we witness to non-believers is through friendship. When we build a foundation of trust in our relationship with others, it becomes easier and more believable when we share our faith.

The tendency that most people have once they become believers is to isolate themselves and disconnect completely from those that do not have the same faith. While there is a safe boundary to keep here with whom we keep close to us and consider our “closest” friends, there is also a charge for us to consider from God of how we are to win the lost to Him.

“On hearing this, Jesus said, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick…For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’ ” (Matthew 9:12-13)

The Apostle Paul encourages us to find common ground with non-believers, even those whom we live with. Common ground could be a genuine friendship or perhaps other ways that could cultivate positive impact on those who have yet to see the Truth and accept the forgiveness and love of our Father.

Consider how Jesus handled the woman at the well: He did not condemn, yet, He did point out what He and the woman had in common. As a result, she not only became friends with Jesus, but later introduced her friends and family to Him.

If you are a Christian living in a Non-Christian world, (and we ALL are), consider with me this: What if we could simply stick to what Jesus commanded us to do…

  • Love our neighbors as ourselves
  • Care for the poor and the sick and the brokenhearted
  • Stand up for those oppressed
  • Be generous with our time, treasure and talents
  • Live a life full of grace and gentleness

Christianity has always been a minority in our culture. God is not surprised by this, but He also commanded us to “Go Ye into ALL the world”, sometimes our world begins at home.


4 thoughts on “Being a Believer in a Non-Believer World

  1. Iris

    What great point you made. It is true that we need to just be ourselves, and let His light shine through us. We can share our story with family and friends, and the rest God will handle.

  2. BernadineBernadine

    “He also commanded us to “Go Ye into ALL the world”, sometimes our world begins at home.”
    Powerful takeaway! Thanks for sharing.