This morning, the sweetest words uttered to me were, “I stood in for you.” It was a mid-morning call from my husband as he was asking me “how is the morning going?” He had stood in for me at the men’s weekly (every Tuesday) 6:00 a.m. prayer time. He was…
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As a young child, I can remember when watching television was very easy and uncomplicated. We had three local channels to choose from and then there was the educational channel where you could find Sesame Street and Mister Rogers. Sometimes the reception would get fuzzy, but all we had to do…
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HAVE YOU EVER GONE ON A LONG TRIP? I was reflecting on the many trips that my husband and I have taken out of the country. Most of these trips abroad have been on mission trips with our church. We traveled in a large group and mostly we were told…
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“Delayed obedience is disobedience,” I have heard mothers recite while training their toddler. As mothers we want to teach our child to respond to our voice and to react. It is not because we have a desire to control them, it is because we have a desire to protect them…
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This is a very frustrating post to write! I am on my friend’s computer (thanks, Melissa!!!), so grateful for her generosity in letting me use it. Otherwise, I would be at the public library trying to figure out their system. I have been without a computer all week- it won’t log…
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