Standing in His Peace

miscellaneous-016This morning, the sweetest words uttered to me were, “I stood in for you.”

It was a mid-morning call from my husband as he was asking me “how is the morning going?”  He had stood in for me at the men’s weekly (every Tuesday)  6:00 a.m. prayer time.  He was prayed over in my place.

My life has been a roller coaster of hormonal upheaval, and it’s been mighty heavy.

I’ve kept to myself much of the time, preferring the quiet, after the work hours were filled with ringing phones demanding attention promptly, and needy people.  Not the needy like you think, — in need of Life, but the needy as in, “I need you to do so-in-so today”, –when I am knee neck deep in something for someone else.

I know I’m not alone in this feeling.

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you just wanted to be alone with God?–  But there seemed to be no place you could find to achieve that?

Where do you go?

This may seem too easy, but go to the cross.  To the Rock.  To the One who gave all and carries all.  He’s not hard to find.

However, I have found that many times, when my heart and mind is flooded with the debris of the latest storm, I have to pause and clear the path.

Psalm 68:19 Give praise to the Lord. Give praise to God our Savior. He carries our heavy loads day after day. New International Readers Version

So, if God is carrying our burdens daily, why are we? I have to ask myself the same question.  For it seems as I purposefully select the clothes that will cover my body every day, I just as surely pick up the burden sack each morning and try and lug it along as I go about my work.  It’s getting heavy.

This morning, I purposefully unloaded.  All of it.

At the cross.

I cried aloud to the LORD that without Him there was nothing I could do.  I need His help–moment-by-moment. And do you know what?  He met me then and there and showed me how He was already carrying that load.  He already had those days I was fretting over resolved.  Why was I trying to lug around a duplicate of what He was already so effortlessly carrying is beyond me.

I suppose, I was just being me.

I won’t say that I won’t occasionally walk by that burdensome sack and even bend toward it as if to carry it off, but I do  hope—with all my heart, that my spirit will be prompted to leave it be.  I hope I am reminded that it is already being carryied by my Savior!

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NLT

Whatever you may be carrying today, I encourage you to leave the load at the cross.  Purpose in your heart to find time with Him.  Even if it is while working, driving, cooking, teaching, whatever your day is filled with, take a moment and talk to Him –then walk on in His strength, in renewed faith and in the power of His might!

May I pray for you?

Father in heaven, I am so grateful for the ultimate gift You gave to each heart and life.  You gave Your only Son.  As we come to know Him as our personal Saviour, we find that He indeed desires to care for and love each one of us as His Bride.  That alone amazes me!  Father, I ask that You would show us “how” to lay down the burdens that are hindering a closer walk with You.  Enable us to draw close enough to hear Your very heart beat.  My complete desire is to be molded into the woman of God–that follows the path You have laid out for me!  Go with each reader today, as they in turn take time out to seek Your will and strength.  Give them the peace that is needed for the matters of the heart–and the matters at hand.  In the most holy name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I ask–believing peace for every life, Amen.

In Him,


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9 thoughts on “Standing in His Peace

  1. Karen

    How precious that your husband would intercede on your behalf….

    You shared wonderful words about “laying it down and leaving it there”….reminders I can never hear enough times….

    Beautiful prayer… you, Angie!

  2. Lori

    Amen! We had a big decision as a family to make recently and when ever I began to worry I would tell the Lord “oh yeah, I gave it to you. You lead, I follow.” It really helped!