Change Begins With You

As we come close to ending another year, it is also a good time to prepare for what is to come in the new year. Many people start off New Years by making promises to themselves (or to others) about things that they would like to change.

Everyone would like to become more healthy, but often times, good intentions fall by the wayside in a very short time. Memberships to health clubs are quickly put aside for other things that seem more important at the time.

Another promise many people make is to be more faithful to God and to become a better person. Anyone can start off with every intention to read thru the Bible in a year but face it, when we get one, two or even seven days behind in our reading, we just give up and we don’t finish what we started.

Starting something new can be very scary, and a new year is no exception. As we embark on the new year, there is much to yet be determined. There are many things that we can plan and prepare for, like the arrival of a new baby but yet there are other things that hit us blindsided, with no warning at all. Either way, it is completely up to us what we do with the changes in our life.

There is no doubt that many people that you know, maybe even you, will encounter some difficulties in the year 2019. It has always struck me funny that when people make new year resolutions, it always is hoping for something better in their life, no one hopes for calamity and trials. But as life has it, all of us will experience a little bit of both; some of the good and some of the bad. The question is: how have you planned and prepared yourself for it?

New beginnings is a God thing! It not only is His forte but it is His promise to us:

(Revelation 21:5) “The Lord makes all things new.”

(John 13:34) “He gave us a new commandment – love one another.”

(2 Corinthians 5:17) “If we are in Christ, He made us into a new creation.”

(Hebrews 10:20) “He made a new and living way for us to enter into His holy presence.”

(Revelation 3:12) “He promises to give us a new name.”

I don’t know what changes will come my way in the new year but my promise (or resolution) is to trust God for all of it, even the not so pretty stuff. After all, change is really in God’s Hands but how I handle it is up to me.

What will you do with the change coming in your new year?


@copyright2018 laurieadams

*find more of my devotions on my devotion Facebook page: womentakingastand.

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