More Christmas Traditions

Last year I shared a Christmas tradition I love, and thought I’d do that again this year. My girls are almost grown but this is one tradition that actually gets better with age because it grows with them.

Years ago, I had the idea of taking a pretty Christmas box and filling it with presents for Jesus. After all, it’s His birthday and He, most of all, deserves gifts on His Birthday. But what could we put in that box that would honor our Savior?

So, I encouraged my young girls to draw pictures for Jesus, or write a message, or both. As they got older, words dominated drawings and theme became more about what we could give of ourselves to Christ throughout the year. Even if it was a burden or a way we wanted to change.

The fun part of this tradition was opening the box each year and reading what we’d written. This gave us a chance to reflect back and see what God had done in our lives over the past year. This also gave us inspiration for what to give Jesus for the New Year.

These small things can have such impact on the lives of our children. I’ve seen how much our advent quilt calendar and advent wreath have come to mean to my girls. And I can’t wait to see how they carry these things into the lives of their future families.

That’s a gift I’m waiting to receive. How about you? What gifts are you giving Jesus this year? What “gifts” are you hoping to receive in the future?

Merry Christmas!
Praying and believing,

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3 thoughts on “More Christmas Traditions

  1. Dineen Miller

    Not every year, Bernadine. My girls are searching out their own faith a bit, which is good. They need to claim it as their own and not their Mom’s. 🙂