In Training

You may not be able to tell by this photo….but two of our grandsons  are training Scooter, our 1 year old Shih Tzu.

They have the book, the leash, and the dog.  I think one of them even has some treats in his pocket.  I hope I remember that before I throw those jeans in the washer!

Scooter looks real interested in being trained doesn’t he?

Probably about as interested as we are in receiving our training…

Yet training is necessary.  For every aspect of life.

When entering a new job you aren’t expected to know every detail of the work place on the first day.  There are days and even weeks of training.  Some of it is fun…and some not so much.   However, it is all necessary.

Same thing with our kids.  As they begin to grow–we do more “daily training” with them.  Teaching them everything from brushing their teeth, to making beds and on to tying shoes.

When I keep grandchildren, I sometimes forget they don’t automatically “know” how to do certain things.  They’ve not reached the age of train-ability in some areas.  But they will soon.  The world will even “train” them in areas we would rather they not know.

Think about our spiritual lives for a minute.  When you became a Christian, did you automatically know all you needed to know to lead a productive, disciple producing life?  Me either.  But the key is to start at home.   In addition to your home life of spiritual growth, you should get plugged into a growing–thriving church–where you are taught the Bible—and as you feed the spirit-man–you will grow.

However, the opposite is true as well.  If you feed the flesh man–(by too much TV, poor choices of Internet, and even too much ice cream), the flesh man will grow.  Not in a good way.

Galatians 5:16-17 says this: “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.” (NASB)

This takes training. Of your heart–your mind and yes, your body.  (Where do you think the ice cream cravings come from?) It doesn’t happen overnight.  But with perseverance and diligence in God’s Word, comes much growth.

I don’t know what–or where God is leading us for 2011–but I know we must do all we can to be prepared–trainable for the job ahead, whatever that may be.  Some have stated that 2011 will be a tough year economically.  I believe it will be a year in which, as we trust in God–and believe with all our hearts that HIS WORD is true–we will see more blessings flow into our lives, and from our lives into the lives of others!  More than we’ve ever experienced.

I’m excited to see what God has in store.  I’m believing Him for more!

What about you?

© The Knightly News 2007-2010

(Photo property of The Knightly News, used by permission.  All rights reserved.)

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