We Can Not Comprehend God

Did you know we can never fully understand God?

Ecclesiastes 8:17 “..However much man may toil in seeking, he will not find it out. Even though a wise man claims to know, he cannot find it out.”

Several years ago my husband was laid off his job. This was a job we both prayed over and felt it was God will to accept. So when almost one year to the day they let him go, we were left wondering if we heard God correctly. While we began to doubt the effectiveness of our prayers, we were trying to understand God.

Looking back today we can now see that the job was indeed God’s will, just not in the way we thought. The Lord had to bring us to the point where we would accept the next job that was offered, despite making less money. That job led to management opportunities where God could bless our family. I was limiting God in His planning, instead of trusting. I tried to comprehend Him, instead of having faith that He knew what He was doing. I tried to comprehend God.

True wisdom realizes we cannot fully “figure out” God.” Instead we need to trust that despite what our eyes see, he does have our best interest in mind.

Heavenly Father, I pray we don’t try to bring you down to us instead may we grow to develop characteristics more like you. Help us walk by faith, knowing you have everything under your control. Amen

God’s Girl,


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4 thoughts on “We Can Not Comprehend God

  1. eph2810

    Oh so true, Lori. I know that I try to but God ‘in a box’ sometimes, don’t understand Him and His ways. But I also have learned to trust Him; that He knows best.

    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us…

  2. Beckie

    God always answers our prayers but not always the way we think He should!! After all, He knows what is best for us!

  3. LynnLynn

    Oh Lori,

    Again… Girl, I needed to read this. Your story gives me the ability to stay the course and not waiver in my trust in how God is handling all this… Hugs.