While I’m Waiting

Wait. It’s the spiritual exercise most followers of Jesus dread most. But from it comes the fruit of patience. Waiting builds a faith muscle of tremendous hope and perseverance for what lies ahead. Waiting on the Lord is never in vain.

Has the Lord ever whispered to your heart, wait on me? Have your petitions and pleas been met by the quiet presence of a perfect God, reminding you once again that He is in control?

When God handed me four children to raise up He had to of been chuckling to himself. Patience was never my greatest strength. As a mommy I needed it in abundance and I needed to teach it to my own little ones. Not easy to do when I get antsy at a red light after fifteen seconds. From the mundane wait for a frozen burrito in the microwave, to the excruciating wait of a phone call with test results, the chasm is wide but patience is needed just the same.

Lately the Lord has been telling me to wait on Him. “But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Wherever you are on your journey today, have faith my sisters. Believe in the One who holds the world in His hands. Our waiting is for His perfect plan, His perfect timing. And not a minute sooner.

Christian music artist John Waller’s song “While I’m Waiting” spoke to my heart last week. In it he sings, “I will worship while I’m waiting. I will serve you while I’m waiting.”

Let it be the same for us.

Come on over and visit me at my blog Blessed… to hear John Waller’s song “While I’m Waiting”

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6 thoughts on “While I’m Waiting

  1. LindaLinda

    I really appreciate this post Joanne. It seems the Lord has had me in the “waiting room” for an extraordinarily long time, but I must trust His timing as well as His will. It is a difficult place. I once felt at a loss as to how to pray during this time (I feel as though I repeat the same prayers over and over), and He whispered to my heart – “Praise”.
    It is amazing how praise lifts the spirit.
    Thank you for this beautiful devotional.

  2. Bernadine

    Waiting is often such a dreary part of the Christian walk. However I do find that if I’m doing something else while waiting, like the song says that the time goes by faster.

  3. eph2810

    You are so right, Joanne — waiting can me tough part…but I also know it is well worth is.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us today.

  4. angie

    That song was ALREADY in my mind before I got to the end!

    Great post! Waiting builds our CHRIST like character! I can tell when a “waiting period” comes…when I get fidgety…I know real quick…there’s not enough of HIM in me! Fill all of me O LORD! —that is my prayer!