

“The power to influence or direct people’s behavior or the course of events.” Reduced to its simplest form – it is control.

Put in those terms, we shrink from the idea of desiring such power. Yet the stacks of to-do lists on my kitchen counter, my endless worry over the choices those most precious to me are making, the frantic prayers to change the circumstances I find most frightening all attest to my secret desire to manage everything in my own little world.

I have held on with tightfisted determination when things aren’t going my way, crying out to God to please do what I ask. If only He will cooperate with my plans, everything will be all right. Doesn’t He understand? Can’t He see how dire the circumstances are? “Just do it this way Lord, and all will be well.”

Yesterday I stepped outside my front door into my favorite hour. The day was fading into night, and there was a hush all around me. Like a gentle lady, she sighed softly her features all blurry around the edges. The sun slipped below the horizon in a blaze of color, and I felt myself grow small against the majesty of it all.

This One, who painted glory across the canvas of the evening sky asks me to set aside the worry and fear and simply trust Him. He who calms the wind and the waves with a word, whose hand spans the heavens, speaks peace to my frazzled soul. He invites me to come and lay the burden at His feet. Who better to control all things than this One who numbers the very hairs of my head, whose word has never failed, and who loves me with an ending, unconditional love.

“Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
    don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
    he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Don’t assume that you know it all.”

Proverbs 3 : 5,6 (The Message)




6 thoughts on “Control

  1. Iris

    I did not realize how much control I want to have until I read your blog this morning. I just need to let go and let God. Thank you for the reminder, my sweet friend.

  2. alisa

    Love this! I used to think that God was breaking my heart, but I realized that the culprit was my own expectations. I desire to be pliable enough for God to move me however He sees fit.

  3. Janis@Heart-Filled Moments

    Hi Linda~I’ve often wanted to write on control but couldn’t seem to get it together.
    You have done a beautiful job of conveying the need to control that so strangles me of the Breath of Life.
    Thank you, Linda. Great post.