The Solution to Worry


I have a confession to make.  I have a tendency to worry.  I think I inherited the worry gene from my mother.  But the older I get, the more I realize that troubles are a part of life.  As a Christian, I sometimes need to be reminded that I am not promised a carefree life.

John 16:33 says:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”

I live in this world.  Life isn’t always easy.  Things don’t always go my way.  People that I love die.  I’ve had my disappointments in life.

Sometimes I feel like the guy in the cartoon.  I’m in the ‘worry boat’ in the middle of a rocky sea called ‘trouble’.

When I recognize that I’m veering towards worry, I have a choice to make.  If I continue along that path, I allow myself to be consumed with worry.  It affects my sleep, my attitude and generally everything in my life.

But as a child of God, I can choose to trust that the Lord knows all that’s going on in my life.

  • I can pray about the situation and read His Word.
  • I don’t suppress my feelings but instead take them to God in prayer.
  • There are times when the Holy Spirit convicts me of something I may need to change.
  • Other times I’m reassured simply knowing that God is sovereign and in control.

After all, I don’t need to worry about running the universe myself.

I begin to trust God’s Word.  I know that He will:

  • Provide for me
  • Strengthen me
  • Comfort me
  • Love me
  • Never leave me

I have Scripture verses written on 3×5 cards.  I meditate on the Scriptures that deal with worry.  I believe the Word.  I begin to walk by faith.  And over time, the peace of God replaces the fear.  I am calmed by running to the Rock; Jesus.

How about you?  Do you tend towards worry?  Why not begin to replace worry with God’s Word?  Can you share something that has helped you deal with worry?

Blessings and love,

12 thoughts on “The Solution to Worry

  1. Iris

    Fabulous message, Debbie. Yes, I sometimes worry – especially what others think of me. But then again, I am reminded, through His Word, that I belong to Him. Only Him do I have to please.

    1. Debbie Post author

      I’m with you on this Iris. I have to be reminded at times. We are children of the King. It doesn’t get any better than that. But I must add that we are loved!

  2. Nancy

    Debbie, this is a wonderful word to start the week off and I love the steps you suggested to take when the old worry bug hits us.

    I used to be a huge worrier but I am seeing some growth as I have aged. When I catch myself worrying about something I have no control over I immediately go to the Father and say “take it You know I can’t do a thing about it” but I also believe that when we can do something about an issue we need to do what we can and not just worry…..

    Thanks for a very thought provoking post…


  3. debbie

    This was a great post Deb. I have spent WAY too much of life worrying over things. At times I have gotten out of that boat and stood on the Rock of Jesus, only to jump back into that boat again. Why or why do I so that when I know it NEVER gets me anywhere at all? I do very similar things as you do to keep my mind free from worry as best I can. Years ago I memorized Phil 4:8 and I put my mind and heart on everything that I can find that is good and fills me with hope and love. His Word then promises me that His peace will be mine…ALWAYS works, He is ALWAYS faithful. Thank you for these this post this morning…it truly blessed me!

  4. Libby@BeautyWithoutWithin

    Debbie, this is my first visit with you, but it sure won’t be my last. Thank you for your encouragement regarding what so many of us assume is just a part of life – worry. It doesn’t have to be and God’s Word is plain that He is our Sovereign God and is our only answer. Thanks again for your inspiration today.

  5. rcubes

    Used to worry then when I didn’t know Jesus well. But glory be to Him, because of His truth, I began to understand that worry will not get me anywhere. He even said…it won’t add a day to my life. I love that truth from John 16. What peace and joy we have from knowing and having faith in Jesus. To believe is one thing but to have faith when your life is filled with troubles, that’s not easy sometimes and it makes it even harder not to know the outcome. But to be given a hope and a future that doesn’t rust, it makes one tend to wait for that…Yet in a way He gives us peace even while sailing through life’s storms. I just pray that my faith is always increased through these trials. May we always remain strong in the Lord’s mighty power! Have a great week sister.

  6. Susan Stilwell

    I love scripture-laden index cards too, Debbie! There’s nothing that will dispel worry like God’s Word hidden in our hearts. The joy of the Lord really IS our strength!

  7. Charlotte

    Great words of encouragement Debbie! In this world we WILL have trouble…but He has overcome the world! I’m so glad we have Him as our unchanging Solid Rock to stand on, and His peace that passes all understanding (all troubles and worries) to guard our hearts and minds:)

  8. Libby

    We know the end of the story, don’t we. Good does win! And our Sovereign God prevails. Thank you for this beautiful reminder today.