Don’t be afraid. I’ve got you!

Today’s devotion is contribute by Lisa Shaw of Sharing Life with Lisa. If you have never visited Lisa’s blog, I encourage you to stop by today.

In a childhood riddled with confusion and pain my Grandparents home was a place of peace, love and safety. I treasured the moments spent in their warm home except for the basement! Their basement was unfinished with cold concrete floors and a large loud furnace that split the basement into two open rooms. Floor to ceiling was stacked with items that dated back to before my birth and perhaps even the birth of their children. Lighting was extremely dim and often gave the illusion that creepy things were watching me!

In the back of the basement was a built in pantry that housed their can goods and preservatives. I never went into the basement alone. When Grandpa would go downstairs to obtain canned items or cans of Grandma’s Coca Cola or Ginger ale, I would accompany him and stay close to his heels.
Then it happened…

Grandma asked me to go downstairs for canned foods for dinner. I delayed as long as I could and suddenly a thunderstorm began and it was strong and fierce. I could hear the rain pounding down on the house. Grandpa went outside to get our dog that was tied on in the yard. The lights began to flicker. I made my way down into the basement. I tried to focus on getting to the pantry without looking around. Unfortunately just as I made my way by the furnace it came on and scared me almost out of my skin! The lights flickered and suddenly everything shut down! No power, no lights –stuck in a place that frightened me.

Everything stopped except the thunderstorm and pounding rain. I stood there in the extreme darkness. I reached out my hand hoping that I’d feel the door knob to the pantry but I stuck my hand into a large spider web. I was beyond frightened. Sweat poured down my forehead. I felt as if something was going to grab me in the darkness. I wanted to yell but no words would pass my lips. I felt my body begin to shake. I couldn’t move. Suddenly I heard a calm, strong voice say, “Lisa, are you alright?” I couldn’t respond. I just knew as a young child that I was going to die in that basement!

I never heard him come down the stairs but I felt a hand on my arm and I heard that same calming strong voice say, “Lisa, Grandpa’s got you! Don’t be afraid. I’ve got you.” He drew me into his waist. I didn’t realize it until that moment that tears were streaming down my face and that I had lost my bladder in fear. Fear had gripped me but Grandpa’s hand on me and his reassuring words made everything alright. I closed my eyes and buried my face into his stomach and he led me in the dark up the stairs and into the kitchen where Grandma stood with a candle with her arms outstretched to comfort me.

Ladies, this is what we have in our Abba Father and our Lord Jesus. Often we are in the darkness of life and we are afraid. There are times Satan and his evil forces can literally scare us into feeling as if everything is out of control but in the midst we hear the calming strong and reassuring voice of Abba Father telling us it’s alright. We are in His care. We can trust Him for in Him we are safe and there is our Jesus with His hands outstretched ready to comfort us.

For many years now I have heard those reassuring words in Isaiah 41:10, 13 (NIV) “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”

Abba Father, thank You for always being with us even during the frightening times in our lives when things seem out of control. Thank You for holding us up with your powerful right hand and giving us the reassurance of safety in You, and thank You Lord Jesus for comforting us in our times of fear and pain. We love You both so very much and we pray with hearts of gratitude and love in Your Name Lord Jesus. Amen and Amen.

You all have my love and prayers,
Lisa Shaw
Sharing Life with Lisa

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35 thoughts on “Don’t be afraid. I’ve got you!

  1. Jill

    Lisa – what a scary moment for any child. Yet the analogy is so true – we are NEVER alone – God will uphold us with His righteous right hand. I’m so glad you had your loving grandparents to give you that example.

    Hugs and much love,

  2. Karen

    My grandparents had a similar section of their basement that always scared me to death…it was in a corner behind a closed door…we never went into it without granddaddy in front of us…we knew everything would be alright…

    Those verses in Isaiah have been a comfort to me, too…in so many situations…I loved this post, Lisa…thank you for sharing such a powerful memory…

  3. Iris

    What a scary moment as a child. I am so glad that all worked out for the good.
    I really like you analogy. Yes, we are never alone; His strong hands are always there to hold us in scary moments.

    Thank you so much for sharing your encouragement with the readers of LWG today.

  4. He & me + 3


    We had one of those basements growing up & I was scared to go down there. I can only imagine how scared you were. This analogy is perfect because in our darkest hour when we are frightened and feel alone HE is always with us. We are never alone. So thankful for that this week. It has been a tough one.

  5. Lori

    Thank you for sharing this powerful story while showing us that God is with us no matter where we find ourselves.

  6. Dina @ 4 Lettre Words

    Oh, Lisa! This brings back so many memories. I had several friends with those basements and we were always terrified to go down. (Now, I really want a basement, tho!)

    Love this so much, especially with everything going on around us now.

    Praying for you and your beautiful family. Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Mare

    Lisa~Absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much. I really needed this reminder today. He’s got me!

    Much love sweet sister!

  8. tiffany stuart

    Hi Lisa,

    (my anti-spam word was “forgiven”)

    I love this powerful personal story and how you tied it into the truth of our Father and His presence. His perfect love casts out all fear. He is mighty to save!!

    You are precious to me. I’m so glad you Grandpa came for you.

    I love you, sister!

  9. Noreen

    Hi dear Lisa, Absolutely loved this post and the visual picture of being rescued by our Papa. So good to have you back dear one.
    Love you lots.

  10. Stephanie


    It seems that our posts today are someonewhat similar in the rescue of a Father to a child – or a grandparent to grandchild! In both posts it is the love of our Heavenly Father that shines through!


    Praising God for you,

  11. Connie Arnold

    Lisa, thank you for this beautiful post! Childhood memories of fear can be strong, but an experience of being held in the arms of love can overcome all those fears. Thank you for the reminder that we have loving comfort and protection from our Heavenly Father.

  12. Jess

    Thank you Lisa for such a timely reminder of our GOD’s mighty power to protect and provide for us!
    I used to be terribly afraid of the dark, but Jesus has proven Himself to be my covering over and over.

  13. Lisa Shaw

    I give GOD the glory for any way that the sharing of a personal experience from my life has touched any of your precious hearts. Having come from a hurtful, violating childhoood, it didn’t take much for me to be FRIGHTENED about most things. It was a very dark and confusing time BUT for the love, safety and warmth of my Grandparents I would not be here now! They showed me the LOVE OF GOD until I was truly able to know HIM for myself and to know that in HIM I truly ‘live and move and have my being’. In Him I am always safe and so are you!

    Iris, thank you for asking me to share something in the Lord today. Blessings upon you and all the contributors and readers of Laced with Grace.

    I love you all!

    P.S. would it stand to reason that my anti spam word is GRACE. Aww, He’s a good GOD!

  14. Saleslady371

    Lisa, I’ve been thinking about you and want you to know I’ve been praying about your back and your book. Your message is a great reminder that God is always with us and is there to calm our fears. You are a blessing!

  15. Maxine

    Oh my, Lisa. I felt as though I was right there with you and I could feel your fear. Oh, how I love that verse. It was so appropriate to your story and what a comfort are these words from our Lord!

  16. Judy Martin

    Lisa, Your life continues to exemplify a life that is truly “laced with Grace”, and this well worded devotional is a good example. Fear is real and can be paralyzing and debilitating. God’s promises like you shared today, can be so comforting and reassuring. This story offers a perfect example of our Heavenly Father’s continuous pressence in our lives and the lives of our children. God continues to use you as a beautiful and caring vessel for Him and His Glory. I think this is a heartwarming illustration of God’s personal love for us. Thank you for sharing it.

  17. Bernadine

    I love this beautiful testimony Sis. Lisa. It’s such an encouragement to trust God who is always with us through the dark and frightening times in life.

  18. rcubes

    Wonderful analogy sister Lisa! And how many dark places are here in this place. Thank you for reminding us of His comforting presence. But…we must learn to always cling to Him. Thank you for your prayers. I’m feeling a little bit better 🙂 Glory be to God! God bless you always sister and may He continue to guide you, empower you, protect you and bless you richly! Love you in Christ.

  19. Sonja


    This was such a good post! Isn’t it incredible that our God is big enough to handle ALL of our ‘stuff’… fears, joys, the whole bundle!!

    Love you sister, and so glad to see you back!



  20. elaine @ peace for the journey

    I can hear your grandfather’s words this evening, even as they must have been spoken to you all those years ago. Soothing, comforting, reassuring, and just what you needed in that moment. What precious love you had modeled to you through them. What precious love we have modeled to us through the cross. It’s that same precious love that I’m clinging to in this season. It helps me be less scared of the dark!

    Thanks for your prayers, my good, kind friend. You are a beacon in the night, always faithful to point me back to the Father.


  21. Edie

    Oh Lisa this brought tears streaming down my face. What a beautiful picture of the love and PROTECTION that God has for us. This is the 3rd place I’ve visited where God whispered His Love to my heart. Thank you for posting this.

    Much love to you my friend!

  22. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Oh how I remember “the cellar”. lol And you are right, it was scary going down there by yourself! What a great reminder that God is always with us even in those scary moments. Thanks for guest writing for us today! -Laurie

  23. JoanJoan Davis

    Your story from your childhood paints a perfect picture of our fears and then the comfort and safety we have in our Heavenly Father. Thank you for sharing that. As I have been going through frightening situations in my life recently, it is so comforting to know that our God is right beside me! He is taking away my fear as I trust in Him.

    Living for Him, Joan

  24. Beth E.

    I can almost hear your grandfather’s voice. So calm, so soothing, bringing peace and comfort to you. In the same way, I feel peace and comfort when my Father speaks to me through His word.

    Thank you for this wonderful message, Lisa. A great reminder to me during a time of uncertainty in our family.

    Love you, friend…

  25. Jennifer@GDWJ

    Oh Lisa … What a beautiful picture of being swept up in the Father’s embrace. As I read this, I considered the times I’ve stepped into dark places, and — surprise! — Abba Father appears to bring Light and comfort.

    Thank you for this. I appreciate you.

  26. Debbie

    Oh Lisa, I’m so glad you wrote a guest post for us. What a treasure! Your grandparents were very special, weren’t they? It’s amazing the impact they can have on our lives. My grandparents were my spiritual mentors too.

    I can identify with being frightened and scared. I love your analogy of your grandpa and how our Heavenly Father is there for us and loves us. How reassuring the words in Isaiah are. I have that verse laminated and sitting right in front of my computer. You see, I tend to fear. When I look up and read that verse, I remember that I don’t have to fear. God has everything under control.

    Much love to you,

  27. Toia

    I love how you relate your experience in the basement to how God is with us. It’s very inspiring. I am in a scary place and I keep reassuring myself that God is with me. Your post is confirmation and it’s just what I needed to read. Please keep me in your prayers. Blessings to you, Sis!!!

  28. Pat Layton

    Beautiful and such a wonderful picture of God’s “Got You” love. It is my prayer as a Grandmother to leave those kind of stories with my “G” babies. What more could one ask than to be an example of God’s love!
    You are the same!

  29. Warren

    You have some great life-stories. Thanks for sharing this one. As a dad (and some day a granddad, I hope :), it is neat to think of the reassurance we can give one of our little ones, and to apply that to the security God gives all of us.

    Iris, thanks for running Lisa’s guest post.

    And Tiffany, if you are getting the comments, my first security word was “Jesus.” I hit a wrong button and lost everything and had to start over. My next security word is “Life.” Both are good words for Lisa’s comments!

  30. Kathleen Flanagan

    It is amazing to me how powerful are the scripts written in our childhood. Thank God they don’t hold up to His Script for us; words that always affirm His love.

    So glad you’re back in the groove, girl. We missed you!


  31. Beth

    Oh Lisa, that made me want to cry. The love of your grandfather was so precious. What a wonderful reflection of God’s sweetness and love.

    God bless you friend!

  32. Lisa Shaw

    My anti-spam word was CHRIST and it’s truly all about Him isn’t it?!

    All of your words blessed and encouraged me. I’m grateful that HE allowed me to share my heart in a way that touched yours for HIS glory.

    Love you all and thanks again Iris. This is truly a ministry laced with grace!