Can Yellow Ducks and Orange Lizards Both Be the Will of God?

Recently I gave each of my children a bag of yellow squeaky ducks. I prayed about this decision and God led me to the yellow ducks, saying the yellow ducks are what is best for them. The next day I met up with my girlfriend and I found she gave her kids a bag of orange lizards. “Why didn’t you give them the yellow ducks,” I asked, “I believe God wanted all of us Christians to have yellow ducks. I studied God’s word, fasted, and prayed and God said yellow ducks was his will.” My friend looked at me and said, “I think the orange lizards suite our needs perfectly and God has blessed us with the orange lizards. I don’t believe God wanted everyone to just have yellow ducks” “Okay,” I replied, “I am not one to tell you how to live your life, but be sure to pray that you are not living in disobedience to God by choosing orange lizards.”

Obliviously this is a silly story, but what is sad is that we do this far too often to fellow believers.

We search scripture to find out who we should marry, what job the Lord would like us to have, what university our graduates should attend, whether we should bottle feed or nurse, or home school, charter school, or send them to public school. No matter how hard you search scriptures you will not find a direct answer. Far too often we read the bible looking for passages that show us yellow ducks are God’s will and orange lizards are not. Shane Rosenthal once said in an article Reflection Upon Scripture, “We have all been influenced more than we care to admit, by our own reflections bouncing off the pages of sacred Scripture.”  Far to often Christians destroy relationships with other believers because they believe their way is best, when in reality both are God’s will.

Often times believers fall in the trap of believing if the Holy Spirit directed their path one way, then all other Christians should be following suite or they are in disobedience to God’s word. We as Christians don’t say that out loud (we are far to polite for the direct approach). Instead we say things like “Well you need to really pray about your decision”, “I would never be the one to tell you what to do, but…” , or they make you feel inferior for choosing orange lizards instead of yellow duckies.

If you are sitting in a group with varying opinions each person is going to have their own ideas of how things should be. Each one will see the situation the way their sinful self will want to see it. Each person trusts in the way they think, the way they came to their conclusions and they believe others need to come to an agreement with their opinion. As Christians we take it one step further by saying we weighed our opinions according to God’s word and the Holy Spirit told us what was the right decision. But often times what happens is that we will search scripture and find individual passages that agree with our position.

This is not how God wanted you to study scripture. Scripture should be read as a whole so we don’t fall in the trap of trusting in our own mind. In the book of Proverbs, a man who believes in his own mind is called a fool. Paul warns us about false teachers who use, “smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the hearts of the naïve.” (Romans 16:18) Instead of living our “Best Life Now” or only focusing on our “Power Thoughts” we need to read God’s word and become familiar with truth.

God is not about what job you will have, what school you or your children will attend, or who you will marry. Yes God has things in the bible to guide you and protect you in your decisions–He calls us to come to him for everything.  God offers us protection because he sees the big picture, but ULTIMATELY He is there for you to seek Him out and develop a closer relationship with him. He is there so you will bear witness of HIM where ever you are.

As much as I want specific answers to my questions, God’s main desire is for me to grow closer to Him and to share Him with others around me. In order for us to be the salt in this world some will be led to other countries, some will be led to attend different schools, some will be led to teach/preach, some Mom’s will nurse their kids, others will bottle feed, some will send kids to public schools, charter schools, homeschooling, some will chose to give their kids orange lizards instead of yellow duckies–while both living in perfect obedience to God’s will.

Heavenly Father,  Help me to study your scriptures so you will transform me.  You said a man who trusts in his own thoughts is a fool,  let me be a reflection of Your thoughts instead.  Help me to be able to recognize the truth and not be deceived by smooth talk from other Christians who are only trying to promote their own opinions.  Don’t let me become tangled with quarrels that don’t matter in the long run, instead help me to focus on bearing witness for you and leading others to You.  amen

13 thoughts on “Can Yellow Ducks and Orange Lizards Both Be the Will of God?

  1. Anna B

    Good morning!

    Neat post! I see this happen a lot when a church has a particular revelation from God (say, they start a prayer ministry that really blesses the church). Suddenly they’re writing books about how every church MUST have a prayer ministry that meets 3 times a week (like theirs did), or God won’t bless the church! It’s crazy – we’re a body, we each have our own piece and our own role. We’re not all arms or noses. 🙂

    I will say that I do think God speaks about specific things like marriage and jobs, when you pray and submit yourself to Him. The main thing to remember is that His individual revelation to YOU may not be His individual revelation to EVERYONE. 🙂


  2. Iris

    Amen, Lori. Yes, sometimes we have opinions and want others to take up our own thoughts on certain things. But like you said, God’s will can look totally different for each believer. Powerful post, thank you for writing from your heart.

  3. Lisa Shaw

    My anti-spam word is “Cross” and so fitting as I read your words Lori. For me it’s all about being at the feet of Jesus (the cross) to hear HIM for my life–for my relationship with HIM and then in that to hear HIM for how to treat others and handle situations that come my way, etc.

    It’s not so that I can then tell someone else the what/how of their life. I have often found that in what I call labels. I don’t like labels in the Christian community based on how one worships, prays or speaks of the Holy Spirit. I have found that what you may glean in the WORD and in PRAYER may not be exactly the same for me.

    We lose the greater joy of encouraging each other,being a living witness to those who don’t know Christ and living for JESUS when we’re busy telling each other what we ought to be doing. As Grandma used to say, “focus on obeying GOD for yourself Lisa”. It was good wisdom then and it remains good wisdom for me to this day.

    I also agree with AnnaB’s last paragraph above.

    Blessings and thanks Lori for sharing with us!

  4. Barbara

    Amen yes it sure can, his will is not our will always, and his ways are not our ways, good message here, hugs and blessings.

  5. Tara Fricke

    This was indeed and “Ahh Haa” moment – OUCH! Loved it and soooo needed this! 🙂

  6. Jeni

    It’s great that we can be united in our differences, humble in our own search for what is right, drawn by God, not threatened by someone elses conviction and confident in our personal relationship with the Lord. Iron sharpens iron, but only in humble Love. xoxo

  7. LaurieLaurie

    Great post and so true. We line way too many things up according to what others say or think and forget to line it up with Gods Word. -blessings!

  8. Michelle

    I agree with you. Your analogy is great. Sometimes it’s that simple. We get dogged down by schematics and what WE THINK, not realizing that God may be using His words differently with someone else.

  9. LynnLynn

    Oh Lori,

    As much as I want specific answers to my questions, God’s main desire is for me to grow closer to Him and to share Him with others around me.

    Amen.. Amen… AMEN.. Loved this post. such a great analogy and wisdom. Hugging you.

  10. Cheryl

    I cringe at some of the things I’ve said to people in the past trying to prove I am right. Wisdom is so important and so is walking in love. Thanks for the good word!