Facing Fears

“The Philistine said to David, ‘Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field.’ Then David said to the Philistine, ‘You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.'” ~ 1 Samuel 17:44-45 (ESV)

I have a problem — I so often think about the ‘what ifs’…What if I am not good enough to do a certain task; what if I am not the wife/mother/friend I should be; what if…

Let me share a quote from Max Lucado from his books ‘Facing Your Giants’:

Focus on giants – your stumble; focus on God – your giants stumble…

Yes, fear can be a ‘giant’ in my life; but it does not have to be. Look at David — he faced his giant head-on, even taunted him. You see, if I focus too much on my fear, don’t look up and ask for help from my heavenly Father, I loose focus.

Slowly but surely I am learning to face my ‘giant’ head-on. Once again, we have major changes coming at work. On Tuesday I was paralyzed, on Wednesday I had the thought ‘what-ever’, on Thursday I was grumpy…You see, the ‘what ifs’ came back to mind. What if I can not handle the new tasks that are expected from me; what if a college looses her job, what if…

As I mentioned, I was (very) grumpy on Thursday morning; I picked up my prayer-journal in the morning and ‘talked’ it out with God. I told Him about my fears, the ‘what ifs’. After I was done, I felt better and had an open talk with my supervisor — I faced my ‘giant’ of fear head-on. It was good…

I know that if I continue to ‘talk’ things over with God, everything will work out. Not only at work, but also with all the other things going on in my life…

My sweet sisters, if you are having a ‘giant’ in your life – talk to our Living God about your giant; ask Him for strength to face your giant head-on.

Lord of Heaven and Earth. Lord, thank You for helping me facing my giant of fear on a daily basis. I know that I am weak, but in my weakness, You make me strong. Lord, You are the Lord of lords, the Name above all names. I am trusting in Your mercy, day after day. In the precious name of Jesus ~ Amen

Blessings to you and yours…


4 thoughts on “Facing Fears

  1. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Iris … I very much needed this Word this morning. I have a huge giant facing me eye ball to eye ball and have been stressed all night about it. God used you this morning to speak encouragement to me. Thanks for sharing. love, Laurie

  2. LindaLinda

    Such wise, Godly advice Iris. How it blesses the heart of the Father when we bring everything, including our fears, to Him.

  3. Bernadine

    Iris, thank you for this word. I don’t know why fear is such a factor when we know what a mighty God we serve but I too battle with this more often than I care to admit.