Interpretative Dance

Today’s guest devotion was submitted by one of readers and the winner of our Laced with Grace “Women of Faith Conference” contest last fall. If you have never read BP’s blog ‘Raindrops & Rainbows’, I encourage you to stop by her blog after you read her devotion today…

Draining the bath water I could hear my son playing in the living room. As I entered the room, my happy boy was dancing around the room in his pajamas. He paused to tell me he was doing an interpretative dance. This took me by surprise. Where did my 4 year old come up with such a term? It was vaguely familiar to me, but I didn’t know why. When I asked him later where he heard such, he reminded me it was in one of his books. (The farm animals are in a talent show type contest and the pigs are going to do an interpretative dance.)

Little moments like these puzzle me and make me think. These moments make me realize something. After reading a book a few times, this phrase lodged somewhere in his memory. We are gathering information from various influences whether we realize it or not.

I wonder how many random bits of information are stored away in our brains that we don’t even consciously know are there. When we hear these phrases repeated to us, how often do they sink into our hearts? This has been a reminder to me to be careful of the things I hear and see.

What music do you have playing? Are they lyrics uplifting or do they depress you without even realizing it? Is the television always turned on? Maybe it’s only for “background noise,” but we hear little bits and pieces of whatever is on. Are the shows portraying high morals and values you want to portray in your own life? What about the books you read? Do you rationalize that they’re “only fiction” as you read to make it seem okay for the foul language, violence, or sexual content? Do you tell yourself I’d never do that or say that or go there? But then you catch yourself thinking a thought or phrase you heard or read? Once we let these things in to our hearts, they will come out at some point.

We must guard our hearts. Remember this verse:

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” ~ Proverbs 4:23

The phrase “above all else” speaks strongly to me. Are you guarding your heart by monitoring what is coming in? Just as I was surprised to hear my son remember the phrase “interpretative dance” from his book, you probably have things in your heart that would surprise you. Take inventory of what’s going in to make sure you are really guarding your heart.

BP from “Raindrops & Rainbows”

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8 thoughts on “Interpretative Dance

  1. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Wonderful devotion and a great reminder for us to guard our thoughts, our minds, our hearts. I remember years ago learning in school about input/output…what you put in is what will come out. Glad to see you be a part of LWG today….Laurie

  2. Beverly

    Thank you for the reminder that I need to guard my heart. I think I will take some time today to take an inventory of my heart. Have a Blessed Day!

  3. Alicia, The Snowflake

    So true. I have tried to teach this to my son. And I try to live by it myself. This is one of the reasons tthat I mainly listen to Christian music, particularly Praise & Worship. I find that what I listen to is what I sing throughout the day when the music is not on. God has blessed me many times by bringing a particular song to mind at a particular moment. May we never forget to be mindful of what we allow into our hearts. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Marsha

    I’m so impressed C could even say the word! Wow! I know I’ve said it before, but you are doing a wonderful job of parenting this little man.

    And your analogy for us women is so spot on.

    Thanks for sharing what God has laid upon your heart with us.


  5. sister sheri

    BP! Wow! I think you’ve found a true calling here. This is so true… I’ve been hearing so much negativity about some things… that I’ve caught myself whining and complaining about things that normally don’t bother me. Time to think on whatever is true, whatever is noble…