Find Your Way Home

This weekend our 3 beloved dogs found their way out of the yard. Unfortunately, we did not notice that they had escaped until hours after they had been out. After driving around and having no luck finding them, we took to social media to spread the word asking help for others to keep an eye out for them. Within just a few minutes, reports of sightings of them started to come in. Several people reported that they had seen them just a few blocks from our house, darting into the road, almost getting hit several times by oncoming traffic.

Our poor babies were out there in a big, scary world trying to find their way back home.

I am reminded of a story in the Bible where Jesus reveals that there is hope for even that lost one that is finding it hard to come home. In the book of Matthew, we read about a man named Levi (Matthew) who is lost. But Levi, early one day, meets Jesus and Jesus invites Himself over to Levi’s house.

Can you imagine Jesus asking to come over to your house, even when you don’t know Him?

While at Levi’s house, some of the religious leaders heard about it and could not believe Jesus would approach a sinner in such a way. Going to a sinners house and sitting with them was not at all acceptable. They angrily approached the disciples about Jesus…

But the Pharisees and their teachers of religious law complained bitterly to Jesus’ disciples, ‘Why do you eat and drink with such scum?'” (Luke 5:30)

Before the disciples could answer, Jesus dealt with the angry leaders.

Healthy people don’t need a doctor, sick people do.” (Luke 5:31b)

The Pharisees were more concerned with the rules than finding a way for the lost to be found. Instead of waiting for the unbelievers to walk through the church door, perhaps we could go to them. Invite ourselves into their lives so that they can see the love of God and turn to set their feet on the right road.

I’m so thankful that two police officers found our dogs and placed them in a protected place until we we could be contacted. They were running wild in the streets because they have no sense. But, just because they didn’t know their way home doesn’t make them bad pets, they are great pets – they just got lost.

That family member, co-worker or friend who is wandering far from God isn’t a bad person, they are just lost and they need help to find their way back home. Perhaps you know a Levi in your life who could use a doctor…or just use a friend who would be willing to stop a minute and help them find their way back home.


@copyright2019 laurieadams

*find more of my devotions over on Facebook as womentakingastand

2 thoughts on “Find Your Way Home

  1. Iris Nelson

    Powerful message, Laurie. You are right; we need to reach out to the lost and point to the cross. No one is too far from Home. I am thankful that your beloved dogs have been found and are now safely back home.